Saturday, February 28, 2015

~last day of the month and what's on my nightstand~

I cannot believe this is the last day of February!  I have always said, since my kids started being born, that this time of year flies, and it does~the time from after Christmas, to what we jokingly refer to as birthday season.  In just a short eleven days, I will have twins that will turn twelve, Graham will turn sixteen and get his driver's licence in twelve days, and three days after that, Graham and Drew will be leaving the country for their first mission trip.


I think it's starting to finally dawn on me that tomorrow is March 1.

And I am still sick and confined to my house.  :(

I'll continue on in my denial and list what I have been into, in the way of Christian fiction books.

I love these books!  This time reading through them makes it my third time in about ten years.  If you are looking for a lighthearted, sometimes silly, sometimes sappy, but makes you laugh out loud great read~then these are for you.

I have done nothing but sit and read and watch television since Monday.  I've slept on and off, I've folded the minimal amount of clean laundry (shirts only, the boys have done the rest) and I have not cooked a meal.  And so I have finished three of these books this week.  That takes my book count up to number thirteen for 2015 so far.  I'm keeping track on my phone.

The other books on my nightstand are What Women Fear by Angie Smith that I will most likely finish today, And The Bride Wore White by Dannah Gresh that I'm doing with my community group girls on Sunday nights and Anne of Green Gables that I'm reading from my childhood days.

Those last three are in the process of being read.

My next non-fiction read will be either one called Multiply by David Platt, or a free book I got from Lifeway by Kelly Minter about her years spent in the Amazon jungle.

What about you?  Any particular book or series that you are loving right now?  You know I'm always thinking ahead.

In other news, I would love your prayers.  I'm really tired of feeling bad.  I feel like I might need another antibiotic so none of what's in my chest gets any worse.  I've been down the pneumonia road and don't want to go there again.  Please pray for wisdom for my doctor.  Thanks, in advance!  Love to all.  

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