Monday, March 2, 2015

things I love right now

There are a few things that have been life savers this past week of being ill.  I thought I would share.


I got this awesome journaling Bible for Christmas, and after a few days after getting it, I put it away and haven't picked it back up.  I grabbed it off my kitchen stand last week and started back at the journaling part, after reading my favorite "ian" books in the new testament.  I love this Bible and have thoroughly enjoyed reading some of my favorite passages of Scripture inside the crisp, creamy white pages.  There is nothing quite like a new Bible to mark all up.

The above picture is one I took today.  I read Ephesians today, but it is so good and so rich, I am probably going to just keep reading it in my morning quiet time.  There is so much in this book of the Bible and I loved spending time there this morning.


Good coffee and sunlight coming in through the windows in my living room.  I put this cup of coffee down here on Friday while I was getting the dogs in from the backyard and loved the color combo.  It looks so artsy.  :)


My clean pajamas.

I've been waking up, washing my face, brushing my teeth and putting on clean pajamas.  Every single minute of every single day.  My bag is still packed in the bag I had last weekend at D-Now.  Seriously.  No makeup in eight days now.


My books and Netflix.  In bed at night, I alternate between reading my book and watching Army Wives on my Samsung Galaxy Tab.


My family, my friends, and a sense of humor.  I've gotten so many texts from all of you, and I thank you!  I found this picture online today and sent it in a text to my friend Andrea.  It made me laugh out loud.  And after last night's restlessness, this pretty much sums up what I felt like this morning.

So.  Thanks for reading.  In other news, I got out of my house today!  I didn't get out of my car, but I got out of my house.  That's progress, right?  I am doing it again tomorrow.

I might even put on some makeup.

Love to all.

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