Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday & a recipe

I haven't really been feeling the blog this week.  I've started and erased several posts.  Usually when I do that it means one thing: keep it shut.  ;)  Thanks to Karen Ehman for that lovely new phrase in my life.  That, and the fact that I haven't been doing anything except for being at home, does not provide material for an interesting blog.  My favorite mom blogger had her show and tell Tuesday this week, but I didn't participate.  The title of this week's installment was "favorite room in your house".  You all know what my house looks like, so I'll save you from the repeat pictures.

I will tell you that lately, my favorite room has been wherever I have landed.  Living room.  Kitchen.  My bedroom.  It's been ever changing this past week.  Thank the good Lord that I am feeling so much better!  I even had company today.  Well...not really, I don't consider her company, but I had a friend over!  My best friend was going to be in town this weekend, and because of the bad weather, she decided to come two days early.  She came over around nine this morning and stayed until close to two.

I love my time with her~any time with her I can get is special, and it's not that often that we're together.  Today was one of God's little unexpected blessings in my life.  I love this girl so much that it hurts sometimes.  I never knew that God would allow us to be this close with one another, and I credit Beth Moore for that.  Well, her and Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur.  We got to know each other at a women's retreat almost a decade ago.  We went to Nashville for the weekend with some ladies from church, and grew closer and closer over the next years.

Here's a bit of what our morning looked like:

I almost can't handle how precious this child is.  She is the smartest little thing, too~you can't say a word without her repeating you.  And to hear some of the things come out of her mouth...well, she just makes me laugh.  I adore her.  Even though she doesn't totally adore ME, she loves my Drew and still calls him Bubbles.

My children followed her around all morning and entertained her while Christa and I caught up.  I love seeing my kids play with her daughter!  It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

When they left, I found a recipe for homemade broccoli cheese soup and whipped up a Dutch oven full.

It is slap your mama good.  And so easy!  I thought I would share the recipe.

Broccoli Cheese Soup
1 medium onion
4 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup flour
2 cups half and half (I used milk)
4 cups chicken broth (I didn't have that, so I improvised with beef broth)
1 head of chopped broccoli
1 cup cheese

You saute the onion in butter and olive oil until they are translucent.  Add in the flour and stir for 3 to 5 minutes.  Add the milk, broth and broccoli~stir and let simmer for 25 minutes.  (I added rice at this point.)  Fold in cheese at the end.  You can puree it to make it more smooth, but I like the chunks of broccoli.

Also on our menu for tonight are tacos.  And two of my kids are Chick Fil A with friends, so I look forward to leftovers tomorrow.

How was your day?  I've been hearing crickets chirping lately.  ;)  Love to all.

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