Monday, May 25, 2015

Life Lately, Weekend Edition

The last week was nothing but a huge blur.  I will be honest~during the week, we stay home most days so the boys can finish their school work.  When last week found us on the go every single day, once we got to the end of the week, I was beat!  I thought I would share what the last few days has looked like.

I spent some sweet time with one of the girls from our youth, and we went to this sweet little coffee shop on our town square called Square Beans for coffee and cinnamon rolls.  This thing was every bit as delicious as it looks in this picture.  When we were done, I took her to the shop where my mom works and introduced them and we looked around.

After five weeks of no washing machine, the hubs and I went to pick out a new one at Lowe's.  The insurance company we were fighting with finally agreed to send us a check for a new one, and we acted immediately.

And Crash got to go with us.  He loves going with us to Lowe's.  His tail pretty much wagged the whole time, especially when a couple of kids came over and petted him for ten minutes.  Kids love this dog and he loves their undivided attention.

We celebrated the start of summer vacation with a fun night at church on Wednesday night.

And I dealt with this dog who hates thunderstorms.  He gets so scared and pretty much stays glued to my side.

I watched this little boy while his parents and movers moved them out of their house.

And we said goodbye to our favorite neighbors.  Well, I didn't say goodbye to them and they didn't say goodbye to me, because we all hate goodbyes.  So we just sort of walked away and then before I knew it, they had driven away.

On Friday, I was so glad to have made it past Thursday.  I had dreaded that day for so long that I was glad to see it gone.  We went to an eighth grade graduation to see a sweet girl graduate.

And I made Drew be still while I took a picture of him with Emma.

We went to my mom-in-love's house afterward and the kids all swam.  I stayed as far away from the sun as possible and still managed to get some.  We came back home and got dressed, went to a graduation party, then went to one last graduation.

It's not everyday that students get to see their youth pastor graduate from seminary.  We had a few extra's with us.  :)  As always.

It's been a fun and extremely busy week, so I am glad for a day of nothing.  This week I am sending kids and my husband off to camp, we're swimming, we're shopping for shorts, we're packing, we are hanging with friends, and I am studying for the Bible study I'll be teaching to the eleventh grade girls next week while we're all at camp in North Carolina.

I do believe summer time has arrived, and I do believe this is my most favorite time of year.

Love to all.

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