Saturday, June 27, 2015

Life Lately

On a lighter note, I thought I would share a little bit of what we've been up to this week, and what we're about to be doing next week.

I've done a lot a lot a lot of laundry.  On Monday, I walked into the kitchen and saw Twinkles on all these beach towels and cracked up.  I shooed her off the table right after taking this picture.

On Tuesday, I posted this picture to Instagram about what I use on my fingernails.  People always think I pay to get them done, but I don't.  I don't have the money to spend on that all the time and I'm picky about what colors I use.  I even get tired of colors pretty often, so I do them myself and change them every few days.  I always do two coats of polish, a coat of Seche Vite and I spray them all with OPI RapiDry.

And 45 minutes to an hour later, they look like this.

Also on Tuesday night, Graham sent me this picture.

He and his friend Cameron are the youngest students in a class they're taking at the citizen's police academy.  They got to do a S.W.A.T team exercise on this night.  I'm so proud of them both!

On Wednesday, my mom and I met at Ihop.  I made these turkeys smile for my picture.

You see how well Alex followed my instructions.  He really does smile, I promise.

Also, on this day, I found a new recipe and made it for dinner.

It was really good.  The kids loved it, so most likely it will be a repeat.  The next time, I may just do meatballs and spaghetti.

On Thursday morning, my friend Abbey texted me that her mom was bringing up her little twin nieces to the church.  We got dressed quickly and ran up there to meet them.  They are even cuter than I had imagined.  I love that the one on the left kept her "gobbles" (goggles) on the whole time.

Later that afternoon, my friend Scottie and I went to see our eleventh grade girls adopted grandmother.  Mrs. Audrey is in the hospital and we paid her a visit.  We took balloons and candy.  When Scottie got in the car, the balloons took over and I made her freeze for a picture.

I love her so much!  I was glad to see Mrs. Audrey looking good at the hospital and it was good to catch up with this lady.  Our time together flies because we always have so much fun.

On Friday we went to lunch with my daddy and later in the afternoon I tried taking a nap, but these guys kept interrupting me!

Todd got dressed right after this picture and rode with the sheriff's department last night.  The boys and I met some friends for dinner at Taco Bell then came back home.  I watched Parenthood.

I love this show so much!  More so than I even loved Friends.  It's so real and it makes me both laugh and cry.  Last night I did both as I watched this particular episode.

Look what was on my Timehop this morning!

If ever there was a kid who could rock that faux 'hawk, it was Noah.  I cannot stand how adorable they were!

We went to Alex's basketball game today at noon, at ECS, which is my old stomping grounds.  It's hard to believe it's been twenty years since I graduated high school.  I feel like I'm in my twenties, instead of my late thirties.

It's weird how that happens.

We are not going anywhere for the rest of today.  Tonight, Graham, Drew and I will start packing, because on Sunday afternoon we leave for Street Reach!  My favorite thing that we do.  I am so excited about this week and I would love for your prayers for all of next week.  Please pray for the kids we'll be ministering to, for the teenagers going from our church, and for all the other people there with us all week.  Thanks, ahead of time.  :)

Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend!  Love to all.

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