Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's been forever since I've done one of these posts.  We have been crazy busy over here all summer!  I am linking up with Momfessionals for this post.  

We have had a really great week.  It's been nice to be at home all week, and though we haven't done a lot of things, it's been good.  On Monday, we cleaned all day.  I cannot even remember when we last cleaned this house from top to bottom, but since it was just the four boys and me that day, we took advantage of the opportunity.  One favorite thing of mine is having a clean house!  I even cleaned out some of the kitchen cabinets.  Before we start school again, I need to do that same thing with our homeschool bookshelf.  I've got a plan as to what we're using as curriculum, but I have to order a couple of things, mainly math and science.  I need to start a list of things I'd like to accomplish before I forget.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we stayed close to home and I did laundry.  Lots and lots of laundry.  I posted this on Instagram, and people seemed surprised that our laundry was nicely folded.  Here is the thing about me that is weird~I do not iron.  If I don't iron, then I must fold our clothes when they're hot out of the dryer.  So that is what I do; I wash, I dry, I fold immediately and make nice piles for everyone to grab and put away.  Folded laundry is definitely one of my favorite things.  (I even love folding it all!)

This is what a day's worth of laundry looks like in my house.  Just a day!  Graham and Drew worked on the yards they are paid to mow while Jonah, Noah and I stayed home.

On Wednesday afternoon after lunch, I got to meet up with my best friend, her little girl and her mom for some afternoon swimming.  Definitely a favorite moment from the week.

This child is precious.  She says funny things like, "Don't take me!" and, "I need Drew, I need Drew!".  She literally repeats any and everything you tell her, and some things you don't.  She is smart and beautiful and hilarious, and I am pretty sure she knows all of that.  I love her so much and glad that I get to be her Auntie Jen.

We went home around three to shower and Christa and I met up for dinner while my kids were at church.

I feel like I've been on vacation after I've seen this girl.  She fills my heart up so much when we're together and I feel like I am good to continue on in my journey until the next time I get to see her.  We might not talk all that often and we certainly don't see each other a lot anymore, but we will be forever friends.  She is my favorite.

Yesterday we swam in the morning and a bunch of boys were here.  I made us all lunch and myself a taco salad while another best friend of mine came to eat with me so we could catch up and pray.  She is going through a really rough couple of days and just needed someone to love on her and pray with her.  We watched an amazing afternoon storm roll in, and while we wanted nothing more than to watch a movie in our pajamas together, she had to return to work.  I am just glad I got to spend a few moments with her~she is another one of my most favorites.

One last favorite thing from this week is the fact that Uverse got the Hallmark channel!  Guess who watched two movies last night?!

This girl.

How has your week been?  Share some comment love.  Please.

Love to all.

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