Wednesday, October 21, 2015

things I love right now

Good Wednesday morning!  I thought I would write a post about some things I'm loving right now.

I saw this on the internet this morning and wanted to share.

I will say it again and again: I am thankful for the women God has placed in my life.  They are His gift to me, and I treasure them all.  

This week I've shaken up my morning routine.  Instead of coming downstairs and having quiet time then turning on The Today Show, I've been coming over to the the computer desk and turning on K-Love on the kitchen radio.  I much prefer worship music over the junk I've seen on The Today Show lately.  I think it's putting me in a more chipper mood each day.  My kids like that.  So does my hubby.  

Yesterday I was listening to music on YouTube.  Some songs that I'm loving right now are below.

Anthem Lights.  I love these guys!  This song is my current favorite, but I listened to a bunch of their stuff yesterday afternoon.

I am also loving a song I learned at high school camp over the summer at Ridgecrest.  This one is by the actual guy that we heard sing at camp, though now he's in a different band.  This band is called House Fires II, and the song is Good, Good Father.

The same song is being sung on K-Love right now, by Chris Tomlin.  His version is good, too.  

I am in a Tuesday night Bible study at church, and we are doing Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer.  I love this study!  It might be the best I've ever done.

The homework is pretty heavy, but that's where the real meat of the study is, so it is no big deal to get all of it done each week.  Ephesians 6 has been a favorite passage of Scripture of mine for a long time, so I think that might be the reason why I'm gaining so much from this study.  

My mom, sisters and I have been group texting.  A lot.  I love this!  We don't always talk on the phone, or at least, not very often, so this is something we've been doing and I feel like it's drawing us closer together.  There are lots of miles between us, so I am thankful for this communication.  We share pictures, we share funny stories and prayer requests.  I am thankful to God for my mom and sisters!

One thing I am NOT loving right now is season seven of Gilmore Girls.  :/  Not even kidding.  I want to strangle Lorelai.  In the episode I'm on now, she just did something that made me really mad at her.  I am over the whole Lorelai/Christopher and Lorelai/Luke drama.  My vote is for Luke, but I don't think the odds are in their favor.

I am so thankful that I have the Hallmark channel!  That might sound trivial, but I am.  I love all the fall movies they've been airing lately, and they're all new to me, so I've been setting up the DVR like crazy.  I need to watch some to free up some space.  And, and, and!  I pinned the Hallmark Christmas movie lineup yesterday.  I cannot wait!  

Well, that's about all I had written down that I am loving right now.  (Yes, I write down blog ideas in my journal.)  What are some things you're loving right now?  I would love to hear.  

Love to all!


  1. I can't wait for all of the Christmas movies!! I start decorating early because I put up so much. I'm counting down the days to get my stuff out. The Christmas season is my favorite!! I've never watched The Gilmore Girls before but I keep hearing about it. Might have to check it out.

    1. Me too! I am excited for the movies. I am such a sap! And I love reading Christmas books. You should! It is so good, but be prepared to binge watch.

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