Wednesday, February 3, 2016

what we've been up to and what I'm looking forward to

On Friday of last week, I had lunch with a couple of my friends.  I picked my friend Missy up at her work, then we drove out to a little town about ten minutes down the road from The Ville.  Our other friend Leah had just had a rough week, and we thought it'd be fun to get her out of her house for a lunch together.  (Her son left that week for Army boot camp.)

The weather was glorious that day, and the fellowship together was sweet.  This was a picture I took while I waited on Missy to come out of her office.

She works on our town square and gets to see this every single day.  What a great place to work!  I love our little town square.  Funny story about this picture, though, of Hewlett & Dunn, I actually thought of my sister Debi when I took this.  She loves her some cowboy boots, and she later commented on this picture on Facebook, that she would love a pair of boots from here right about now.

While I was out with my friends, my dad came over and took the boys to lunch.  I met him back here at my house a little after one, and he stayed until about four.  I usually love for us to go out on Friday night, but on this night, I did not feel great, so we stayed in.  I made chicken tenders and Craft macaroni and cheese.  Alex was here with us for the weekend, so it was just those three younger ones while Graham and Drew had a thing at church.  While the older boys were gone, Jonah and Noah had a few friends over, then Graham and Drew ended up back her with friends, so for about an hour, our house was packed and loud.  It was a fun night.

On Saturday, we had an amazing women's event at church, called Legacy.  My mom and my mom-in-love were both there with me, and we had a wonderful time as we played games, talked, ate a yummy breakfast and then listened to two phenomenal ladies speak on how we are to live our lives with others in mind, and how we can disciple and train the younger women.  I loved having the two mama's in my life there with me.

My heart was full to overflowing.

The boys and I went to my mom's and stepdad's for dinner that night, for the first time in ages.  It was good to be out there.  Toddley worked that night.

We had church on Sunday!  Let it be known that I love my church family and I thank God for putting us there.  I had an early choir practice that afternoon, then I rushed back home for community group that night.

Monday was a normal school day, as was yesterday, so nothing new there.  Although yesterday after I went to pray with my friend Abbey, the boys went to lunch with their youth pastor, and then went and made a video for an upcoming thing tonight.  While they were gone, I sat and read a whole book.

I started it at one and finished it before six.  It was a great book!  The television did not get turned on all day long.

The boys had plans with Todd last night, so Noah and I went out for dinner.  We went to his favorite place, Chili's, and ordered an appetizer, yummy entrees and then, this glorious dessert.  (I love the 2 for $20 they offer.)

It was a special night.  After dinner we were kinda miserable, so we went to Redbox to rent a couple movies (Woodlawn and Max) and came home to put on our pajamas and to settle in for the night.

Woodlawn is an amazing movie, in case you haven't seen it.

Today is more of school and then church later.  It's been a great week so far!  I am looking forward to an upcoming conference this weekend, with some of the other youth leaders from church.  I know it'll be great, because it was last year.  I hope your day is great!  Love to all.

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