Monday, May 16, 2016

weekend update, Prom edition

Please forgive me for the length and for the amount of pictures you are about to see.  I couldn't choose just a couple.  I know, some people can, but I'm not that kind of person.  

On Friday night, Jonah, Noah, a couple of their friends and me loaded up in the car and went and got pizza and headed to a new park out here in The Ville called Hinton Park.  

Noah's face cracks me up.  This park is gorgeous!  I don't think it's done being built yet, but they were fine with it how it was.  We ate our pizza and took off to these climbing things.

They kept on posing and asking me to take their pictures.  Crazy boys!  This night was beautiful and I couldn't believe more people weren't there.  While they continued their antics, I went and looked around a little myself.

There's a beautiful pond with a sidewalk around the whole thing.  I foresee lots of time here in the future.  It's a great place to walk!

We came home after this and all the boys hung out upstairs.  I watched a movie, and Graham and Drew made it home by eleven something.  They had worked a movie in the park night with our friend and a guy he knows who does technical things.  

On Saturday morning, I had three blessed hours alone while everyone slept and I had quiet time, I read, I watched a movie and I gave myself a pedicure and manicure.  Then the day exploded and we all left, going in different directions.  I had a million things to do before prom that night.  

Finally, though, the hour arrived, and Graham left to pick up his friends and I left shortly after to meet them at the place we had decided to let them take pictures.  I did have a come apart for a few minutes, while I was by myself.  There is something that happens when you see your oldest son in a tuxedo about to leave for prom.  



They're all so handsome.  Left to right: Tom, Graham, Andrew.  They took Nicole, Abigail and Kathryn.  

Here are a few pictures.

Graham and Abigail have been friends since BEFORE kindergarten.  Nowadays, they're pretty much best friends and I was so excited that Abigail asked him to her prom.  

Such sweetness.

And then this happened.

Oh, Drewby.  Always displaying his strength and silly side.  I love him, though.  

After all the pictures were taken, we had them go for one more pose, but really what happened is that their surprise limousine had shown up and it was time for them to go.

They were shocked!  And so excited.  I might have threatened to climb in with them.  

They ate dinner at a restaurant familiar to Memphis called Houston's, then they went to Minglewood Hall, where the prom was held.  They stayed until about midnight, then their carriage turned back into a pumpkin (the limo was exchanged for my suburban) and they were home by around one.  The guys ended up coming here to spend the night and the girls went home, because nobody wanted to miss church the next morning.

I think Graham bought some people Rockstars to help them through.  

I am so proud of all these people!  I commend their decision to not miss church and to hold themselves to a higher standard.  They had a great night.

Meanwhile, when we all got back home, these two had their first official date where Drew drove Emma.

My boys are growing into fine young men.  I could not be more proud of them and their integrity.  It's all by the grace of God that they have turned into these fine human beings.

It was a great weekend.  I hope yours was too! 

Love to all.

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