Wednesday, August 24, 2016

fun things

I went to my mom´s house yesterday, with Jonah and Noah.  We left Graham and Drew at home, doing school work, while they waited on Todd to call them for something he needed.  They did him that favor, then drove out to Mom´s to eat lunch with us.  I love a lot of things about homeschooling, but this is a big one for us.


As long as the work gets done and the attendance requirements are met, we are good.

We ate lunch then came home so Jonah and Noah could do their work for the day.  Also in the afternoon, Graham, Jonah and Noah went to the church to set up for tonight´s youth service.  Graham has to be back by three thirty, but they did most of the work already.

Last night I had planned for us to have leftovers for dinner, but we ended up eating Mexican.  My friend Flo is moving to the Atlanta area and leaving tomorrow.  We had a ´see you later´ dinner.

Today will be more of the same.  Work for them, a fun lunch out for me!  I usually don´t leave them like this, however, today is special.  I will tell more about that tomorrow.

I am busy making all kinds of lists for our upcoming trip.  We leave Saturday for a week of vacation in Branson, Missouri.  I´m so excited!  I get to see my best friend, we have a lake day planned, a trip to Silver Dollar City is planned, we are going to see Moses at the Sight and Sound Theater, and there will be lots of swimming, games, hot tubbing and exploring.

Look at the boys the last time we were there.

They were so little!  This is one of my favorite things that we do.  We go with Todd´s parents, and we have so much fun together.  They are fun to travel with and there is always lots of laughter involved.  The house that we stay in is really cool, and that´s one part that the boys always love.

I was talking with Jonah and Noah yesterday about what they love about this trip, and Jonah´s favorite thing to do is driving super fast go carts while we´re there.  Noah loves all the swimming we do and the games we play and looking out over the property from the top of the hill when we first get there.  I love the thought of all of us being together nonstop for seven whole days.  These days are strange and we are not together as much as we once were, so I am looking forward to that, and seeing them do all the things they love.

It´s a lot of work to prepare to go, but once we get there, it´s not hard at all.  We eat at the house we stay at most of the nights we´re there, and other than planning the meals, it´s not much different that being here at home.  I never mind doing the cooking, either, and usually plan simple meals for dinner.
I will post lots of pictures while we´re gone.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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