Monday, June 12, 2017

the weekend

The highlight of my weekend was on Friday night, and then on Sunday night.  This is one of the ones I wouldn't mind forgetting, except for the two things that I'm about to mention.

The first was on Friday night.  It was Abbey's bachelorette party!  At five o'clock, we met at a Mediterranean style restaurant nearby, and had a delicious dinner.  We showered her with gifts, the kind that are far more personal, and we laughed and laughed.  Her sister Ashley planned the whole thing, and the pictures you see are the ones that she took.

Besties!  I love her so much, and I'm so thankful I was able to attend this special night!

Here's all of us at the restaurant.  I've never been to this place before, and I loved it!  I had some sort of dish that was chicken, rice, and veggies.  I'd like to go back and just order appetizers, though.  I had a taste of pita bread and hummus, and loved it.

After dinner, a handful of us went to a place called Board and Brush.

And then we got to make really fun signs that we chose beforehand.

I had sawdust, stain, and paint all over the place, but it was such a fun night!

Here we all are after our signs were done.  I'm not sure where I want ours to hang yet, but I really like it.  It was such a fun night.

All of Saturday was spent at home.  We found a(nother) massive leak, and this was substantial enough to warrant Todd turning off our water line.  We survived the day without water, though, and by Sunday afternoon it was fixed.  Thankfully this one required a hole being cut in our pantry, and it won't be obvious.  Soon after the plummer left, though, another leak that we were watching got a lot worse, and Todd had to make another hole in our ceiling, this time, near the computer desk.  He's talking to the insurance company this morning, to see what we can do about all of these leaky pipes.  I'd love your prayers for favor in that area!

Last night I spent the evening poolside with a bunch of teenagers.  I've missed being with them!  I'm glad to be starting community groups back up for the summer.  Summer means swimming, and that makes me happy.

I'm spending today doing laundry and trying to figure out what's for dinner tonight, and what the rest of our week will look like.  Jonah and Noah need haircuts, and we could use a few grocery items, too, so I'm sure at some point, I'll make a grocery run.

My older two arrived at the Navajo reservation early Saturday night.  Due to the strong winds last year and the fact that several tents bit the dust (Ha!  Literally.), there were not enough sets of tents for all the people there, so my two plus four more, offered to sleep in the back of the Penske truck the leaders of the trip drove down in.  This is genius, because in the day time they can shut the door and their stuff will stay dirt free.  Well, hopefully.  Today is their first day of bible school, and it'll start around four.  Please pray for them, if you think of it!

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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