Monday, March 18, 2019

the weekend and catching up

I didn't mean to take a blog break, but I have to say that I'm glad I did, because last week was a little crazy.  Three birthdays in two days is always a bit much, but after those two days are over, I'm always so relieved.  It's crazy!  Monday last week, was particularly busy, and we had so many overlaps in our day with time, that Todd stayed home from work to help out with it all, because I am no Super Woman. 

Jonah and Noah had the best day of their lives to date, and got their driver's licenses. 

And this was them, driving off, while I stood in the driveway and cried.  (I'm over it now, no worries.)  Other things we had going on that day was the fact that Drew took my car to school that morning, Todd had a few errands to run around town, one of which was Costco to pick up the makings for our dinner and the birthday cakes, I had an appointment to get my hair cut and colored, and Todd took the boys to get their licenses.  I also had laundry to do, a house to clean and get ready for company (a full house), and dinner to get ready in time.  Plus, I had about twenty two people in the house.  It was a great night with family, though, and Jonah and Noah are still living their best lives, driving all around town. 

On Tuesday, I had a low key day around the house and cleaned up again from the party, and put things away, then I read a book most of the afternoon.  That night I had dinner out with one of my besties, which is always something I look forward to.  We were celebrating her birthday and catching up from late January. 

Wednesday was more of the same, and every day during the week, lots of people were coming and going.  I love it when that happens, and I love having a house full of friends.  It was spring break week around here, so there were lots of people for them to hang out with.  That night, Todd and I went downtown for a dinner out and double date with his parents.  It was fun!  We thought it was about to storm, so we ate quickly and came home, but it didn't start raining until almost ten.  I wish we had known that, so that we could have walked around a little, but it was also nice to come home and put on pj's. 

Sometime during the week, I visited my happy place and picked up a few new books. 

And finished most of them.  This one above was SO GOOD!  I LOVE very descriptive writing, and this author writes that way. 

I went out with my mom on Thursday and we ran a few errands together.  I needed to put together a gift bag for one of the students that was at our church this weekend.  We had a singing group, The Voices of Mobile, in church yesterday for a concert, and they were staying at host homes around town, then some of us put together some gift bags for them. 

On Friday, I had lunch with my dad, and then later on took him home.  Before I left his driveway, I had to take a picture of the beautiful day.

The clouds that are like that are my favorite type of cloud, and the weather was amazing. 

Other notable things from the week:

We had a ton of people in and out all week. 

My car was gone more than it was in the garage, and I wasn't the one driving it around.

We ate out WAY too much.

That being said, I didn't cook at all, because I don't count hot dogs and Rotel as cooking.

I read a ridiculous amount last week.  I finished three books in a week, two on Saturday alone.

Books are my love language. 

I had TWO daddy/daughter dates, one with my dad on Friday and one last night with my stepdad after church.  Books are NOT actually my love language, but quality time is, and that filled my heart up.

Sunshine and warmer temperatures make my heart so happy.

Chip loves his toys, especially when they're all around him.  He can play with two at once, holding one in his mouth and nudging the other with his paws.  It's like he's playing soccer with them, and it's the cutest thing ever.

Meanwhile, Crash is getting old and has partially lost his mind, because two times last week, he bit the other dogs. 

And Callie is just Callie, and is as nervous as ever.  She loves my dad, though, and follows him around the house when he's here.  It's really sweet and endears her a little more to me.  She is special. 

I can get lost in book stores for hours, and my Saturday trip to Barnes and Noble reminded me of this. 

I love to sing, most of you know that, but yesterday morning when we were rehearsing with those sixteen students from University of Mobile, it was something special.  They brought such energy to the stage and I am so glad I was able to be a part and on praise team that morning.  I love young people, and I loved meeting all the alto girls, and hugged them all when I met them.  (I'm sure all their moms would thank me for this, I know I would, if someone was sweet to one of my boys when he was away from home!)  It has been proven that singing helps to reduce stress, and I have experienced that.  Aside from just the singing part, I love to worship the Lord, and I'm always so thankful to be able to help lead in this.

On a much lighter note, I was reminded for about the eighth time, what a blessing from the Lord Kroger Click List is.  I do not say that jokingly!  I ordered all my groceries for the week as I waited on church to start last night and Drew is picking them up on his way home today, between eleven and twelve.  Praise! 

Well, I suppose I'll wrap this post up and get moving on my day.  Today is back to normal for us, whatever that means, and I have a list of things I need to start on.  Thanks for reading my blog.  :)  Love to all! 

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