Thursday, April 11, 2019

Life Lately

Because of sickness, our whole weekend was spent at home last week.  I was so glad when Monday came, when my mom called me and asked if I wanted to do my grocery shopping with her that day.  I did!  Grocery shopping is always so much better when you do it with someone.  

We enjoyed our morning out, running a couple of errands first, having breakfast for lunch at Perkins, then ending at Kroger.  I made an easy (bland) dinner that night, because of said sickness, and our night was easy.  

Todd texted me that afternoon, with a picture of two recliners, asking which one I liked best.  We ended up talking about it, and decided to get a new chair for the living room!  I already had a great one that I love, but it swivels (which I dislike), and the part that reclines isn't solid.  When I knew he'd be coming home with it, we ended up cleaning and rearranged the living room some.  

We switched the short couch and the recliner and moved around two end tables, and cleaned.  I love the new chair, it's a Lazy Boy recliner, and is so comfortable.  Funny fact, though, the animals have all lost their minds over the new arrangement of furniture in this room, and Chip hates the new chair, because of the noise it makes when it reclines.  

I love rearranging furniture and pictures and such in a room.  I have more that I'm doing today, but more about that in a minute.   

Callie always gets her day started by hugging someone.  Jonah was her favorite on this day.  (He is probably going to be so mad at me for sharing this on here, but I don't think he ever reads it, so, ssshhh.)

I spent the morning hanging around the house doing laundry and things around here, then that afternoon I met with a sweet young lady at a nearby (adorable) coffee shop.  We spent THREE HOURS sitting and catching up on life, and then I had to leave to come home to put the baked potatoes we were having for dinner that night in the oven.  After I did that, I made a quick run to the library to return a book and check out some more, since I'm making my way through every book I've bought lately.

This is the stack I read last week alone, and I needed some more.

And here are the ones I brought home on Tuesday from my happy place.  (That one on the bottom I've been wanting to read for MONTHS!)

We finished our Malachi bible study yesterday, and I was so sad to go through the last day.  Here are the two groups, or some of us...we were missing a bunch of folks yesterday.  There were close to eighty or ninety of us when we first started.

The top one is our morning group, and the bottom is the night group.  I have come to know and love these ladies so much, and I am looking forward to August, when we start over in the book of Galatians.  

Today I am catching up on laundry again, dusting and rearranging a couple of things in the living room again.  I have a bookshelf in this room that I want to go through and organize and then use it more as a bookshelf for me.  It was where we always stored all the curriculum we used in homeschooling each year, but as the boys have gotten older and more independent, they've kept more and more in their rooms.  With it just being down to Jonah and Noah now, we really don't need it as this anymore, and I have too many books, so problem solved.  I can't wait to start!  

I saved this one for last, because this was a GREAT book I read on Sunday.  (I read TWO that day alone.)

This book released this week, and if you haven't already, read this!  It's all about love, redemption, and the sanctity of life.  I love Karen Kingsbury books, but this one is my favorite that she's written in years.  It felt fresh and new, and we were introduced to new people.  It says "Baxter Family" on the cover, and it is, but it could be read as a stand alone.  If you've never read the Baxter family series of books, do yourself a favorite and read them all in order.  

Well, I need to get moving, so I'll stop there.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...