Monday, August 12, 2019

anniversary party

I have never been so glad to see a weekend finished.  I think my body is tired, and though I felt sick a little on Saturday morning, and again yesterday morning, this morning I woke up for real sick and will be staying home most of the day.  I have two things I need to do today that have to be done, but other than that, I'm here for it.  (I am grocery shopping today at some point, and getting together with a sweet young lady before she goes back to college.)

It was a whirlwind weekend, one that I've been planning for months, it seems.  When you throw a huge party like this, or a wedding, reception, or whatever else, it is all a waiting game,and then the week of the event is crazy busy.  We celebrated the 50th anniversary of my in-love's Saturday with a few family members and some of their closest, lifelong friends.  There were a couple of people there who were in their wedding!  It was so special, and very small and intimate. 

I thought I'd share some pictures for anyone who wants to see, but really, I'm writing this for my own memories.  I don't want to forget the details from the weekend, and that's a huge reason why I even have this blog.  I know I've said that before, but it's always worth repeating, in case you don't know why I write on this little online space.

These crazy balloons would not stay still, and we had to resort to tying them together with balloon string.  I don't know if it was the balloons or the helium, but you have to do what you have to do.

That cake  topper on the right was their wedding cake topper. 

We set all this up on Saturday morning, and what you don't see pictured are all the tables that I didn't take a picture of. 

My husband, my mom, my sister, and Phyllis' friend were my lifesavers.  I could not have done any of this without them.  Planning it and ordering #allthethings was one thing, but getting it all set up and transferred from my mind to real life tables was totally different.  They seemed to know exactly what I had in mind and did an amazing job!  My mom did all the flowers.  I bought several large bouquets of flowers from Costco (roses, and several white flowers mixed with greenery), and then Mom took them apart and made arrangements for each table. 

I love all the pictures Phyllis gave me to set out.  It was fun looking back on all the memorabilia she kept. 

Our friend Jerry was there to take pictures for us, and these are all from his camera.  I appreciate him doing that for us!  All the Goodwin grands. 

I took ONE decent picture on my phone, and this is it, below.

I was so happy to see this sweet lady!  She is a lifelong friend of the family.  Todd used to babysit her kids when he was a teenager, and though her and her late husband lived here for years, several years ago, they moved back to Jackson, to be closer to family.  Her sweet husband is missed and often talked about. 

After the party, we cleaned it all up and went to Phyllis and Wiley's house for dinner and to visit.  We didn't stay long, though, because I was done for the day and just wanted to go somewhere to put my feet up.  It was a great party, and I think everyone enjoyed seeing each other. 

Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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