Thursday, August 1, 2019

Life Lately

Before I start with this post, I have to say thank you for all the sweet responses I got regarding my last blog post.  These posts always go directly to Facebook and Pinterest, and all the responses came through on is really sweet of you all to encourage me in this new thing I've got going on in my life.  I just wanted to tell you thank you again (I said that on FB), and tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and your excitement for me.  :) 

That being said, in looking back on social media, I've not been very present there this week, and it's been kinda nice, if you want to know the truth.  Being "busy" isn't always a bad thing.  I will tell you, though, that since this week has been busier than my normal, I am SO looking forward to not leaving my house today.  There are several things I have to address around here that I've been neglecting (clutter areas, cleaning in my bedroom, vacuuming up more dog hair, LAUNDRY), and I have to get some things in order for Jonah's and Noah's junior year of high school.  I have to enter in grades and submit a lesson plan to my umbrella school for this year, and I've been seriously procrastinating. 

I'm also looking forward to finishing the book I started last Friday, doing bible study homework, and checking my huge Amazon order that came in for my in-love's 50th anniversary party next weekend.  (FIFTY years!  Isn't that amazing?!  Tim, Tracy, Todd, and I are hosting this party for them next Saturday, and I've been in planning/ordering mode for the last two months.)

Now, for the blog post I intended to write, about life lately.

This was Todd and me, last Friday night, on a date.  He was craving sushi and was really hungry and didn't want to drive to our normal spot in Memphis, so we decided to eat at our local Chinese buffet.  They also have sushi, and it's all delicious.  This is one of those places that every time I go here, I get something different.  Their egg drop soup is so good, and it could be a hundred degrees out, and I'd still want to eat it.

We went to Walmart after this, and then ended our night at Lowe's.  We were trying to walk off some of what we had eaten.  I was miserable, but I really didn't eat that much.

On Saturday, Todd, Graham and Drew were gone all day, as were Jonah and Noah, but they were at a different place.  I started cleaning in the dining room and moving things around a little to make them look better, and before I knew it, I was re-purposing things left and right.  Do you do this?  All that is, is taking what you already have and moving it from one place to another.  For instance, where this  turquoise sign is in the pic above, it had been on top of my refrigerator.  What had been in its place was a green plant, and I moved that into the dining room as the table centerpiece.  The counter needed something green still, so I grabbed that little plant beside the sign from the three tiered stand I have on another kitchen counter and moved those cookbooks from another spot, and this was how it turned out. 

I had washed the tablecloth on the dining room table, because Drew and Noah eat lunch in there all the time, and that is what started this whole process.  I had to put the tablecloth back on the table and then I dusted and vacuumed and moved Callie's kennel to the opposite corner of the dining room, too.  It sounds very disjointed and confusing, but really, that is how I work in my home when I'm doing this kind of thing.  It makes sense to me, and I almost always work in two rooms at a time. 

Chip (top dog pic) and Callie are always living their best life.  So is Crash, but I don't have a picture of him.  Chip lays on my bed when I go upstairs to get dressed for the day.  I had spread out that blanket for him, because his favorite thing to do is to be cozy and curled up on a blanket.  Do you see why I so love this dog?  And this was Callie, just this morning, looking at me while I drank my coffee.  She is really sweet, even if she does make me crazy half the time.  (Her hair.  It makes me lose my mind.) 

This is so random, but y'all.  New jars of spreads/condiments are so satisfying to me.  I love being the first one to use a new jar of something!  So does Noah, by the way.  Every morning I make lunches for the people working outside of Collierville for the day.  This was me making their lunches yesterday.

I loved what I read in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 yesterday!  Verses 16-18, in particular.  It's been so good reading along with my church family.  I love hearing or seeing what other people pick as the verses that jump out at them.  I love to talk about this with other friends.  I have never really heard of a church doing this kind of thing before, but I love it and think others should follow this example.  There is something about how it also brings the body together in unity, too, and that is so important.  Speaking of that, it's what I've been praying for pretty consistently for my church family for quite some time.  The enemy loves to stir up dissension and cause turmoil and division, and I really believe that this is something we should all be praying for within the body of believers we worship with each week. 

Well, my list is awaiting me.  I hope your day is wonderful.  Thanks for reading, and love to all. 

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