Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday Favorites {Edition Six}

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post.

It's been a really great week, but I wasn't very present on social media all week, so I don't have a lot to share.  I'll share a little anyway, though, about what we've been up to.

On Monday, I stayed home all day because I had a plan for what I was making for dinner that night, and it was a glorious day.  I did some cleaning, I spent some really good quality time with the Lord, I caught up on my bible reading in my chronological bible, and I did a thousand loads of laundry.  {I hardly ever pick up my bible for quiet time on Sundays, and I never do laundry, either.}

Speaking of Sunday, look what I got to do early that morning at church!

This is Bexley, one of our choir babies at church.  Her mommy sang on the praise team that day, and because this little doll is now fully mobile, her mommy asked me to come help her while she rehearsed.  I was more than happy to do this, and we obviously did not have any fun at all.  We sang, we talked about colors, we waved at people and she yelled with excitement over every single kid that ran by, and we rocked for a little while.  I love her and can't wait to do this again.

Back to Monday, we had baked potatoes that night for dinner, and it was delicious and easy.

On Tuesday I got up and got dressed and made a grocery store run.  I made dinner that night, but we all ate at separate times because everyone was working or doing something else.  We had Doritos chicken casserole, and it was every bit as yummy as it sounds.  We still have leftovers, so I'll probably eat it tonight.

Wednesday was a work day and bible study day at church, so I was there for a few hours, then home for a few, and then back by five.  Wednesdays are long, but I love bible study days!  We had so much fun in small group last night and laughed our heads off at one of our friends who has issues with cabinets being open in her house.  After church, some friends and I went and had dinner at McDonalds, and had fun catching up in general.  Missy was my ride on that night, so she took me to church and brought me back home.

Yesterday I was going to work at our church again for a while, but my friend's daughter woke up really sick, so we canceled and I took the opportunity to stay home and inside the house.  It was so cold!  I was going to go to Costco for a few things, but I talked myself out of it when I couldn't get warmed up enough.  I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and traded makeup and a cute outfit for moisturizer, chapstick, clean pajama pants and my favorite hoodie.

For dinner last night, I made this...

...delicious cornbread to go with cabbage and smoked sausage.  (It's like soup.)  It was so good!  Perfect for a cold night at home, and we all ate together at the table, which hasn't happened in ages it seems.  My husband's dad is a retired firefighter, and they used to eat this at his station all the time.  They called it big dogs and cabbage.

I was looking through Timehop pictures yesterday, and came across this from six years ago.

Drew took this closeup picture of snowflakes that were on the hood of my car.  Aren't they beautiful?  Their intricate and unique design are such sweet reminders to me, of how creative and detailed God is.  This will always be one of my favorite pictures.

Speaking of favorites, I also love this picture of Noah I came across this week.

You may remember back in November when my Noah got to go to L.A. with his best friend Jacob (far left), Jacob's mom Amy (next to Noah) and Amy's sister in law.  They had the time of their lives, these sweet boys, and Noah will never forget that trip.  They did so many fun things while they were there and this picture was taken at the Griffith Observatory, where part of the movie La La Land was filmed.

Jacob's face above pretty accurately describes their excitement over all the cool cars they saw while cruising around LA and Hollywood Boulevard.

They didn't go to a game, but they saw the arena where the Lakers play, and on the bottom left of this picture, you can see Kobe's jersey.  Like I said, they had the time of their lives.

I will be forever grateful to Amy for inviting Noah along on this trip.

Well, today my dad is coming over for lunch, and I am looking forward to seeing him.  I had plans for this morning before he got here, but the meeting I was going to was postponed to next week.  I'll be doing a little laundry and straightening things up before Dad gets here, so I'll wrap this up.

I hope you have a great weekend!

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...