Tuesday, May 26, 2020
a day in the life
It's been ages since I've done a day in the life type post, and because I love to read them I thought it'd be fun to do one of my own. You may not be into this type thing, and that's fine! Don't feel pressured to read along.
I had a really rough night of sleep, and was awake until almost two a.m. on Monday morning. I was also awake every hour almost, and finally jumped out of bed at six something. I slept uninterrupted for the last couple of hours.
Every day when I wake up, I always come downstairs and let the dogs out first. I have an app on my phone that I use to turn on all the lights downstairs (mantle lights, the lamp in the living room, the kitchen lamp, and the light over the kitchen sink), and while the dogs are outside, I start my coffee and straighten up the blankets on the couch for them to lay down on. They always go right back to sleep in the morning and I never feed them before eight o'clock. Once my coffee is ready I make the coffee in the coffee pot side of our coffee pot for the rest of the ones who drink it each day. (I prefer the Keurig side, they prefer the coffee pot side.) I let the dogs back inside and I sit in the living room for about forty-five minutes and watch a show to go along with my coffee. (I used to watch the news during this time, but not anymore and I am almost finished re-watching Parenthood. For the third or fourth time.)
I finally got up to feed the dogs around eight and then I made my second cup of coffee for the morning and settled in at the kitchen table to read blogs that I love, schedule my own blog posts for the week, and finally to eat a breakfast bar and have quiet time. I do that part last because by then I feel like my brain is fully awake.
This was me on Monday at the kitchen table doing all of those things. I decided to switch it up a bit and listen to worship music while I had the first part of my quiet time, which is writing out scripture for the day. I was catching up and doing two days, though, since I missed it on Sunday. Right after this time, I did a day of my Bible study homework.
Usually I will also make a list for the day and maybe do a bit of journaling (not always, though) and I'll get up to fold the clothes in the dryer. I almost always take them upstairs to do this and while I'm up there, I make the bed, fold the clothes, and get dressed for the day. (Or I at least wash my face, put on some moisturizer and stay in comfy clothes.)
After I finished reading in the chronological Bible I read from daily, and started on my homework, people started coming down for coffee. This was Toddley grinding some coffee beans for the cannister that sits out on my countertop. (And yes, I am still drinking from a Christmas mug.) After he did that and cleaned up after himself, he made himself some toast and eggs. Then Drew came down and had the same. Toddley sat at the table and ate while I was here, so I stopped doing my homework for a while and talked to him about their night on Sunday. In between all of this, Chip got sick in his bed, and Drew wanted to wash his sheets, so I freshened up the load in the dryer, moved the sheets over once that was done, and washed Chip's bed.
I finally got up from the table at 12:20 to make myself a little bit of lunch, then I went upstairs to make the bed and fold a load of laundry. I helped Drew with his sheets and he put his new comforter on the bed, because he broke his right index finger Saturday night while playing basketball in the driveway. He usually does that by himself, but it's hard to put sheets on one-handed.
(I am on a mission to finish the leftovers in the fridge. This was like four bites of pasta leftover from a night last week, so I added some parmesan. I also had cantaloupe that I cut over the weekend.)
I did the things in my own room, then I helped Jonah with his newly discovered curly hair. No joke about his hair~Sunday night after the boys had been swimming all day, Todd looked over at Jonah's hair and noticed it in ringlets after he had let it air dry. So today I borrowed some of Drew's hair stuff and showed Jonah how to apply it. He has since told me he doesn't like that particular product, so we ordered two more bottles for him and Drew. (His favorite bottle of curly hair elixir was empty.)
See? Newly discovered curls when he doesn't fight with it. I made him let me take this picture so I could text it to my mom. I think he's adorable. On the off chance that he reads this, he is going to kill me for all of this.
I came back downstairs to empty the dishwasher, then went and sat down for the next hour to read. Todd and I ordered a bunch of things we were out of on Amazon, then he got up to make a run to Lowe's, and I took a fifteen minute nap. Remember me mentioning I didn't sleep much Sunday night? I got up and did more laundry, put the dog bed back down, switched over the blanket and towels from the wash to the dryer, and helped Todd pick up some in the garage. I'm sitting down now to write this (It's 4:40 in the afternoon) and shortly I will be getting up to make dinner. I feel like I need a snack because my lunch didn't last long. Also, Todd just made trip number two of the day to Lowe's to exchange what he just bought because it was broken. 💁
In the meantime, the guys all did the yardwork for the week, Graham vacuumed and then left, and Jonah went to visit Todd's parentals. I am fairly certain that Noah is upstairs asleep. Make that Noah and Drew...when I went upstairs for a minute, I peeped in at both of them, and they were both sound asleep. I talked to my mom and made an appointment to get my nails done. I watched an episode of Parenthood, too, putting me at the last two episodes. There's a new show I really want to start watching, so I'm trying to finish one before I start the other. My friend gives me great recommendations on Netflix, and she's been telling me what to watch.
After I made dinner, I went and lit two of my favorite candles, and we ate dinner close to six.
I cleaned up after dinner and got all the counters clean again like I like them, and I went to sit down for the night. I follow this girl on Instagram whose account makes me so happy~her account name is Alyssa and the account is reset.my.space. She will motivate you to get things cleaned up in your house often if you follow her. I've already done this forever, cleaning as I go and starting and ending the day with things picked up, but you should check out her Instagram. I love it when social media motivates me.
All the boys were still out and about and all left to go swim. Graham was gone most of the day, but he came home for a minute and then left again. While they were gone and after Todd took a shower and put his pajamas on, he came down and we watched the first episode of Waco on Netflix. I could barely keep my eyes open!
You should know that by seven o'clock, I am done for the day. By this point, all I want to do is sit and read a book or watch a show. I may get a little something sweet to snack on and sometimes I will make myself a cup of coffee after dinner, but mostly I just take my water into the living room and chill for the rest of the night. I love to be busy early in the day so my ending of each day is free and relaxing. I know each of us march to the sound of our own drums, though and this is just what works best for me. This wasn't a typical day but it WAS a typical quarantine edition day. Sometimes by the time people get up in the mornings I've done several loads of laundry and cleaned the whole downstairs. Other days I sit for hours at the kitchen table and spend that time with Jesus. The only other thing I'll do for the night is a walk through of the kitchen to make sure everything is loaded into the dishwasher, and I'll start the dishwasher. And I love to take a shower before bed and this particular night happened to be hair washing night, which takes forever. I go to bed with my wet (and moussed) hair piled on top of my head and when I wake up the next morning it's mostly dry.
I typically head upstairs anywhere from nine-nine thirty and I lay in bed and watch Netflix or Hulu. On most nights the last time I look at the clock is around ten. I have actual plans tomorrow, so it'll be a different kind of day. If you're still here reading, congrats for making it all the way to the end.
Love to all.
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