Monday, September 14, 2020

weekending/Hello Monday linkup


Happy Monday! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for today's blog post.

It was a good weekend, except for how it got started, but it all turned out fine. I'll start with Friday morning at six thirty when my oldest son left for a truck meet in Branson, Missouri for the weekend. He'd hoped to arrive there by noon to sign up to be in the parade of trucks that would be driving through Branson Landing, but the Lord had other plans for Graham and halted the whole trip. Seriously, I do believe that—I do not believe in coincidence.

Anyway, Graham's truck lost all power and he was able to pull over at an Auto Zone to take a look at it and it started running okay again after about an hour and a half, so he left again. He called me and asked me to pray and before we hung up, he was losing power again. He called my husband and pulled over and then sat there for the rest of the day. The kind people at the closest Chick Fil A delivered him some food for lunch, but after that he didn't have anything else to drink all day! I ended up calling the State Trooper office for that stretch of interstate and they came and picked him up and took him to buy something to drink and eat. He was so thirsty from being outside all day in the hot weather. Todd ended up borrowing a trailer from a friend and Graham's friend Chase has a truck that would be able to tow him back, so he and Todd drove to Maumelle, Arkansas to pick him up and bring him back home. 

He learned some very important lessons that I don't think he'll forget anytime soon: one, never leave home without all your tools (he accidentally left them here) and two, never leave home without a case of water.

They got home around nine p.m. and they were all beat. I was too, emotionally and mentally—I hated the thought of him sitting on the side of a very busy interstate in a remote place. I really, really hated that he was so very thirsty and without water. It's all fine now, though and I am so thankful that my husband is not only a wonderful husband, but the greatest dad on the planet. Graham's truck is back in the shop, needless to say, though he did threaten to drive if off the Memphis bridge and be done with it. (Kidding, kidding.)

Here they were once the truck was in place on the trailer. I was so glad when they arrived safely at home!

While they were gone, I met my mom, stepdad and sister for dinner at Chili's and came home and watched one of my favorite movies from when I was young.

I had just finished watching Footloose (the 80's version) from a few nights before Friday, then I moved on to St. Elmo's Fire. The music alone is so good! 

On Saturday morning, I went out with my mom and sister Trish. We shopped and ate lunch and then perused the aisles of Target, where I finally found my favorite fall scent of Mrs. Meyer's all-purpose cleaner. (Acorn Spice.) I like to have two bottles—one upstairs and one downstairs. I also have the handsoap in two bathrooms; I'm telling you, it's that good.

I came back home for a few minutes, then left again to go pick up my best friend and her aunt for Sherrye's surprise birthday party. It was a fun night and everything is always better with friends. Missy and her family were having a car issue with one of their cars, so she needed a ride at the last minute. While we were there, a huge tree branch fell on her husband's truck and shattered his windshield in two places, busting up his dash and steering column as well. Thankfully the truck was parked and nobody was hurt.


In the meantime, the rest of the party and evening was great. We always have fun together, my best friend and me.

Hanging with Queen Elizabeth. (Sherrye loves all things English and has been there several times.)

And then here we are with the real queen, the birthday queen! Her actual birthday is Wednesday. 

I ended up watching church from home yesterday and my husband worked a shift last night. I continued on with watching movies. I am never mad about being alone! It's how I recharge my batteries. I have a full day today, so I'll be ready for another day at home by Tuesday. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear!

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Oh my goodness! Glad your son is okay, and sounds like an exhausting Friday, but glad you had a fun Saturday. See you this week!

  2. I'm so glad Graham was ok and all worked out. Have a good week!

  3. Oh my goodness; it seems like no one had great luck with their vehicles this weekend! Glad everything turned out OK with your son.

  4. Oh boy - not the week for trucks! What a horrible story for your son. I'm so glad he is okay...but I'm pretty sure I would have been a wreck. Kudos to CFA for bringing him some lunch:) I need to remember water in my car when heading out for road trips!!

  5. Thanks, Tanya! I was so relieved when he was back home.

  6. Joanne~it sometimes feels like it's not the YEAR for us with vehicles. Having four sons is expensive and means we have to buy older vehicles (Graham bought his own), which means problems. I don't know that we'll ever be used to this, but thankfully my husband is handy and has passed that down to our sons.

  7. Thanks, Jennifer! Isn't that so cool of CFA?? They're the literal best ever. Right? It's smart to travel prepared for sure.


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