Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Favorites 1.8.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.

What a week. I've already seen some funny memes that have helped me feel more lighthearted than I should. Memes like this one—

... and my personal favorite:

Moving on, now.

It's already been a week, hasn't it? Here are some of my top favorite moments from the last seven days.

Reading is my favorite hobby. This book I'm holding above is my fourth book of 2021. I'm looking forward to blogging about books this year, something I haven't really done much of in this space. The Winter Street series by Elin Hilderbrand has been one of my favorite series of books.

My quiet times have been some of my favorite moments of the week. All of the Scripture I've read this week has seemed to be exactly what I needed at the exact moment that I read each passage. I love it when that happens and my Pastor says that's what the verse means about the Word of God being living and active—that as we read the Word of God, the Word of God is reading us. How amazing is that?

I got my nails done yesterday. My mom asked if I wanted to go with her while she got hers done and I couldn't say no if I'd wanted to. I was ready to have a color on them again, after three weeks of having white. This color is my favorite! It was raining, but we didn't let that stop us from having our morning of fun. After that we had sushi for lunch, then we each ran one other errand.

I have made some GREAT meals this week, if I do say so myself. This was the chicken and homemade stock I made yesterday morning for more chicken and rice soup. We will eat this all weekend long and into next week, because it's a favorite of mine, Todd's and Drew's. Todd and I had it for dinner last night while we enjoyed a little quiet date night at home.

More reading in the afternoons with coffee this time. This was me on Wednesday finishing the book I had started on Monday.

I can't wait to start Bible study again in a couple of weeks! This is the second study I helped write for ladies in our church and anyone else who purchased copies from their locations. We have two times to choose from for in-person meetings: Wednesday mornings at 9:30 and Wednesday nights at 6:30, with an option for Zoom each week. If you're interested, let me know and I can give you more information. If you're local to me, I'd love to have you join us! We're about to start the writing process all over again for the third study we'll be writing as a team. I can't wait to share more information about it in the coming months! It won't be released until August of 2021.

Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores and that is where this sign came from that I bought on Saturday. It's a long story, but I needed to replace what had been there previously.

Other favorite moments from this week include all the fires my hubby has made for us each night. We bought some firewood this week and we've thoroughly enjoyed our old fashioned fireplace. I'm looking forward to starting a fire for Dad while he's here today. It's cold outside! 

I've loved spending time with Mom this week and I got to see her TWICE, which was a treat. 

We all enjoyed having a visitor stay with us this week, a friend of Drew's from high school whose parents moved to Hot Springs. He arrived on Tuesday and stayed until Thursday afternoon. I loved hearing him and Drew laugh as they caught up and watched funny shows. Also, Zack is Crash's favorite new person. 

I came across a new playlist on Spotify Thursday afternoon that is going to be a favorite of mine for a long while—Passion 2021 worship. 

One thing that has NOT been a favorite was seeing all the events of Wednesday unfold in our nation's capitol. Violence is never the answer to problems and I have been burdened to pray for the state of our country more than ever, including the people whose opinions differ from mine. They need Jesus just as much as any other person and it's not His desire for any ONE of His creation to perish without knowing Him. (2 Peter 3:9)

Jesus is our only hope, friends. Do you know Him? 

Thanks for reading my blog. Love to all. 



  1. Those memes are great! And your nails look really pretty!

  2. I loved the Winter Street Series! Your nails look fabulous; what a great little girls day out.

    1. I finished the third book today! I'll start the last one tomorrow. Thank you!


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

  Happy Friday, friends! How's your week been? Mine has been pretty good; I am glad to have plans all of tonight and tomorrow. That'...