Happy Thursday, friends! I'd thought I'd lighten it up a big here on the blog and share about a few things we've been up to lately, things you wouldn't have seen on social media. It's basically a long list of random things.

You all know how much I love Christmas. So much so that I am usually in such a rush to get it put up that I put things in weird places and can't find them again until this same time the next year. 🤣 That being said, I've been struggling in this area that you see in the above photo. I had one thing there in place of the Daily Bread picture, but I repurposed it to another area and love it in the new spot. I bought the picture from Hobby Lobby and the white cutting board with the G on it was my birthday gift from Mom and Bill. The silver dish was one my friend Faye gave to me, along with a stack of other dishes just like this one that I love, and on Tuesday Mom gave me these two little topiary trees. It's definitely getting better and I'm close to being finished with it for now. (I do have some plans still in this space, but I'll save that for a different day.)

We got snow on Monday! It was more than this, but by the time I made it outside for a picture, most of it had melted. I don't care how old I am, I will always act like Lorelai Gilmore when the first snow of the year comes. It's so peaceful, so magical and wintry.
Crash is our older dog and with it being the fireplace season, all of a sudden he has decided to be terrified of the fire. He shakes uncontrollably and does not stick around once the fire is blazing. It's the saddest thing ever, but this was Todd Monday night trying to love on him to make him less nervous. When something happens to Crash, I don't even know what Todd will do. He loves that dog so much.
I love the cold months, I mentioned that, but I love enjoying the season. That means once I come home, I change into my fleece pajama pants and my favorite hooded sweatshirt and fuzzy slippers. I've also been drinking hot chocolate most nights after dinner.
I don't have pictures for the rest of the post, but I have all the thoughts rolling around in my brain. As I write this on Tuesday night, Todd and Graham are talking about money. Graham is looking at houses to rent with a couple of friends soon, which is a new development after his friend's truck was stolen last week. Drew's still talking about moving out in the late spring, and with Jonah and Noah starting to work more over the summer, it's about to be a lot quieter in our house. I really want a part time job once all this starts happening, Lord willing. I have a few ideas going in my mind, but I really only want to work two or three days a week (at the most). I know it'll be something the Lord provides for me, when His timing is perfect. It's exciting to think of!
It's so weird to think of our sons as "adults" in the eyes of the law. (I mean the youngest two.)
On another note, I've started reading and digging into studying for the third Bible study I'm helping write with a writing team of ladies at my church. I can't wait to tell you more about this! The book is very timely, once again. My friend texted all of us separately asking if we'd had any thoughts on which book to write on next, and this one book was one all of us mentioned. How cool is that? We had been praying about this for several weeks.
As far as dinners in our home go, I feel that lately I've been doing better than usual. We have lots to choose from in our pantry and refrigerators and I've been cooking a lot more. Every week I make a giant pot of chicken and rice soup and three of us eat on that all week long. It's so good and it tastes hearty and feels nutritious, and we're still not tired of it yet.
Well, that's about all I can come up with for today. I hope you've had a great week so far, friends. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all.
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