Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Women in the Word Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I haven't done one of these types of blog posts in a while, so I thought I'd share one today. 

I'll get right to my question for you—do you worry? Do you struggle with anxious thoughts or things that are out of your control? Do you try to always be in control of a situation? 

Do you breathe? I'm laughing. If you're a woman reading this, or even a man, I am going to answer for you: I am sure that at some point you struggle with this. We all do. 

Just yesterday, I found myself in that boat. I had been watching the news (I like to watch it for the weather report during the week) and they were talking about possible bad weather that is heading our way today. I don't doubt them in this and I know it's going to do something, because my mom, stepdad and sister were all on an early morning flight out of Memphis to Denver, and the airline cancelled the flight. By the time the news went off yesterday, I was fretting over all the possibilities of what could possibly happen. I even joked around and asked my husband to stay home part of the day today, because this weather makes me nervous. (He rolled his eyes.) 

After he left, I started to have my quiet time and I always start this with prayer. I'd already been thanking the Lord for a new day and the pretty weather I could see outside the windows in the kitchen and I spent time praising Him for who He is to me—Savior, faithful God, Provider, Healer, who hears my prayers and knows my heart. When everyone had left for the morning, I began to pray more, asking Him to help me not just read His Word as if I'm reading mere words on a page, but to help me really know and understand what I was reading and for Him to change me through His Word. I spent a good bit doing this and praying for the needs of others as the Lord brought them to my mind, then I opened up my Bible and turned to the passage I was going to write out for that day's Scripture writing.

Needless to say, this verse jumped right out at me. We are focusing on the spiritual armor for this month's writing plan and this week we are on the helmet of salvation—but you see with the mindset I'd been in, how much I needed to read these very words. So my question to you that I asked at the beginning of this—when you worry (fret or are anxious), what do you do? 

I have a solution for you.

Pray and read the Word of God. Trust Him and in His perfect plan! I assure you, He has got you. He has this way of bringing across my path the very words I need to hear most. He gives me everything I need! And not just on days when I'm anxious, but every single day. I can tell when I haven't had my quiet time and I'm sure others can tell as well. 

My point of all of this is simple, for those of you who are believers and followers of Jesus—spend time with Jesus. Everyone has time in their day to do this! If you have time to be on social media, you have time and if you have time to sit and watch tv, you have time. Learn to prioritize it wisely! And try to develop a habit. I've read that it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit, so try to start with today. Give Him the best of you, too, not just what's leftover. There is something very special about starting your day out in this way. I'm not saying it's wrong to end your day in this way, but how many times do you start to pray while laying in your bed and then fall asleep before you finish? See my point?

Spend time with Him and even if it's just ten minutes, that is better than nothing. Five minutes is better than nothing too, if that's all you've got. Use the app YouVersion and participate in their verse a day challenge. Read a few verses, pray and see how it changes your day and sets the tone for you. God deserves our very best, though. Imagine having a best friend you never see or talk to—what happens in that relationship? 

You grow apart. 

Don't let that happen in your relationship with Jesus. He is the best friend there is to have, so honor Him by sitting with Him and invite Him into your day. I've been saying to Him lately, "Holy Spirit, I invite you in to all the places in my life. Come in and take over." He does! He is faithful to answer when I make that my prayer. 

I pray these words encourage you, friend. Love to all. 


  1. Such a great post Jennifer with true words that are both challenging and encouraging to me. Thank you and stay safe today!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn! It's convicting to me too. I hope the same for you today with our crazy weather!

  2. Thank you for this post today. I needed it!

    1. Lu- you're welcome! I'm glad you found it useful and encouraging. ❤️


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