Wednesday, May 5, 2021

currently, 5.5.21


Happy Wednesday, friends! I am linking up with Anne from in residence for this monthly blog link. This is a post where I share all that I am currently consuming, exploring, getting, hoping and seeing.


The food I cook! Monday night we had barbecue pork tenderloin and last night I made some taco meat and we made nachos. It tasted so good to me, I went back got a little more. (This is tortilla chips, taco meat with Rotel, white queso warmed up, lettuce and other toppings.) Tonight is church night, so I usually don't cook on this night.


I am thinking about places we can go to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. I want to go somewhere we can drive to and I'd love it to be beautiful. I'm thinking maybe even of seeing some national parks or going back to the New England area we went to right after we got married. 


Excited for the summer and being able to swim! After last year, I am so ready for a normal summer where pools are open once again.


That things keep returning to normal! I just heard on our news that our county is FINALLY lifting the mask mandate beginning next week. Our governor insisted on this and our county is finally listening. I can't wait to go to more places and see people's faces again! 


New growth in our newly landscaped flower beds! We had this done back in October of 2020, so it was a surprise to see how things would look once they started blooming and growing. We are so pleased with them! I love seeing all the green and colors after the dreary months. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. So exciting to dream about a trip...planning is part of the fun for me. Woo hoo for that mask mandate being lifted!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I keep hearing our mask mandates will be lifted soon and I am so hopeful! Best of luck on your anniversary trip planning.

    1. I hope that the mandate is lifted for you! I am beyond ready. Thanks!

  4. Oooohhh, now I want nachos! Those sound so good! And yes, I'm hoping our pool opens up this summer and we get a more normal summer too.

  5. I am soo ready for swimming!!!


  6. Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary!

  7. Anthea- Thank you! It's October 4, so we have a ways to go yet, but it's good to start early!

  8. Your landscaping looks great! I'm dying to get ours redone. And I love this idea of visiting the area you honeymooned in for a 25th anniversary. Our 15th anniversary was this year and we didn't get to do anything because of Covid so we're just going to make it a big celebration for a random one like 16 or 17 ;-)

    1. Thanks, Anne! I hope you're able to get yours done soon! That will be fun to do just a random year like that. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Thanks, Anne! I hope you're able to get yours done soon! That will be fun to do just a random year like that. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Congrats on 25 years! Both of your ideas sound wonderful!! And now I want nachos for dinner. Lol.


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