Wednesday, April 6, 2022

currently, April edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Anne for today's blog post. This month we're talking about what and where we're currently getting, going, planning, posting and thinking. I'll jump right in!


I've been getting a few new shirts/cardigans/shrugs to wear recently. I really need to clean out my closet, because I have so many things that I don't wear. In noticing this recently, I thought it was time to fill in some gaps with a few newer things. I like to shop at places like Marshalls and my favorite boutique (The Paisley Rooster). I try to buy neutral things so that they'll last longer. I wear a lot of gray, black and tan, so I've been picking out things that are pink lately. I now have three pink tops in my closet and I love them all. 

Funny side note: I used to hate pink. Seriously, since I was pretty young, I've never liked that color. All of a sudden in the past two years, I love pink, but only the pale/neutral version of it. I sent this to my mom-in-love on Saturday, because I had so much pink going on that day.

My cardigan, nails, Kindle cover, (a hint of it in my) shoes and phone case were all pale pink. I don't even know who I am anymore. My mom-in-love's favorite color is pink, so when I sent her this she basically told me I was perfect. ;)


Weather permitting, I'm leaving for the beach on Wednesday for a few days with my writing team friends! It's predicted to be a little stormy on Wednesday, which is why we're not sure if we'll leave then after Bible study or early Thursday morning. It's the first time the five of us have traveled together, so I'm excited! Four of us have traveled together and three of us were together here over the summer last year, but this time it's the five of us. 

Here are some pictures from our trip last summer. 

The top two were taken as we were driving or walking my friend's dog. It was so beautiful! The weather may be cooler, but we don't care. We know we'll have fun regardless of the weather or how warm it is. 


Well because of the fact that I'm going out of town, I'm planning my packing list and getting things done around the house before I leave. I've got a very detailed list of what I want to do before Wednesday gets here. I'm catching up on things like laundry, grocery shopping, making sure there's food for people to eat while I'm gone they can make on their own, Bible study homework and small group discussion at Bible study on Wednesday and leaving the house somewhat clean. Do you travel like this? 

I've always been a list maker and this list is from when we used to travel for one week and would make lots of meals at the condo. These days I have relegated it all to one page in my journal usually and a list on my phone. 


Not much these days, honestly. I'm kind of tired of social media. I do still post some, just nowhere near as much. I also try not to be on there a lot. When I do post, I share quiet time things that stood out, Bible verses, cute pictures of times from long ago or birthday pictures. I shared about Drew on Sunday, because it was his birthday.

I love a good now and then comparison. 

Or I share about my nails, but I like to share stories now more than pictures. I am always posting things on my Instagram stories. 


I've been thinking a lot on the traits of a godly woman that are listed in Titus 2, thanks to the Bible study I'm doing. (True Woman 201.) So far we've looked at the traits of discernment, honor, affection and discipline. I love that passage of Scripture. 

I'm so grateful for the freedom we have to attend church and Bible study. I never want to take that for granted. I love going because it brings about accountability and godly fellowship. I am honored to be able to lead a small group each week, but I'm not there to teach or to talk nonstop. We truly learn from each other as we share our life experiences that we've had along the way. All I do is facilitate the conversation and keep us on course. I love the ladies in my small group! Most of them weren't there last week, so I missed them and look forward to seeing them this morning. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I'll be out of town tomorrow, but I have my Thankful Thursday post scheduled to post. I hope you check back! I also hope you check back often. I blog everyday, so I'm always around. Love to all! 


  1. Your penmanship is very neat! I am not a list maker by nature or habit but I will make a list if there seems to be A LOT that I need to do, pack things to take somewhere, etc. and it's too important to not forget anything. I hope you have the BEST time at the beach and look forward to hearing about it.

  2. Thanks, Maria! I have always loved to write and still enjoy it as much now as I did as a young girl. I've condensed my lists all to my journal now, but I used to have them laying around all over the place. I also do this with post-it notes. Ha! Thanks so much! I'm excited.

  3. I used to not be a fan of pink & I love it now too!!! Funny! I'm the same way with camo - I used to DESPISE it - but I have so much camo things now. Never say never.

    I totally got that kindle cover in my cart - thanks for sharing that!

  4. I love your list making and am noticed fancy hot dog buns! If I am going to eat a hot dog, I do like a good bread to eat it on!
    I need to clean out my closet as well, especially as our weather changes, even though it looks like a cool weekend.
    Glad you can be back in bible study this week and sounds like a great study y'all are doing. So fun to look forward to a trip to the beach too!

  5. Your lists are inspiring and your handwriting is so neat! I hope you have a wonderful time at the beach!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful time at the beach! I too am a huge list maker and my packing lists/ vacation planning lists are usually quite long and detailed.

  7. Pink used to be a favorite - it's purple now, so not far off. LOL I'm loving your nails.

    Lauren @

  8. I usually just try to clean out my fridge and take out the trash before any vacations, nothing as detailed as your lists! And I always let someone else do the meal planning for a week away and just tell me what to bring or make. This year I made desserts which was fun! Hope you have a great getaway!

  9. That's funny that you were like that too, Rebecca Jo! I'm so glad you got that Kindle cover, I hope you like it!

  10. Marilyn, our gigantic family camping trips are to blame for my very detailed lists. Once you start living like that, it's hard to go back. Ha! Girl, I always like good bread. I'd take that over sweet any day! ;)

  11. Thanks, Joanne! I blame our camping days!

  12. Thanks, Lauren! Hey, purple is one of the big colors for this year. I'm a nerd and study up on trends like that. Ha!

  13. Lil Desiqua- Thank you! I blame our camping days for my list making tendencies. We used to go on huge camping trips with other families and we had to plan carefully for each meal! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I too make many lists, especially when we travel. And I am starting to like pink more and more, especially the pale pink colour. Have a good, refreshing, time away.

  15. I LOVE your lists! So organized and pretty! I hope you have the best time away with your writing team!!!


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