Monday, November 28, 2022

share 4 somethings- November edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Heather G over at her blog for this monthly post that I love. A bunch of us are sharing things we've loved, gleaned, braved and achieved. 


I always struggle with what to tell you that I love, because I love a LOT of things. I'll try to make this quick and give a little synopsis of each picture.

I loved the cold snap we had! It was FREEZING for a few days, literally, and I took full advantage and wore all the sweaters, fuzzy jackets and layers I could manage while it lasted. 

I loved seeing all the Christmas decorations coming to life on our town square as I walked into work on the days that I worked. I REALLY love our little town! 

I loved wearing all the fall colored nail polishes this month. I was squeezing in as many as I could! 

I loved all the Hallmark, Great American Family and Lifetime Christmas movies that I watched while my husband worked. 

I loved seeing so many family members this month. Each picture of me with a younger person is me with a great niece. ❤❤ I love being Auntie Jen. 


I gleaned a lot of information last week as I began studying the book of Judges. That is not an easy to book to read and study, but it's what we're writing on as a writing team for the women in our church for the fall of 2023. It's a hard book, but I love the glimpses of Jesus that is pictured throughout—the judges were the ones who redeemed Israel from the sin cycle that they were trapped in. As I read and studied and began to dig deeper into this dark book, it reminded me so much of the world that we're currently living in, where everyone is doing what seems right in their own eyes. 

The thing I love about the book of Judges is the reminder that the heritage of faith handed down through the generations is of the utmost importance. As Judges begins, Joshua was about to die and he is the one God had told would lead the people of Israel into the promised land. He died and the next generation that was born and lived had forgotten all of the things that God had done for their people. He had led them out of the wilderness of Egypt, He provided food for them when they were hungry and He protected them, guided them and guarded them time and again. The next generation, however, did not know God or all that He had done for them. How heartbreaking is that? I am loving studying this dark book and seeing the bright spots throughout that time in the lives of some of the judges. (There was no king at that time, God was supposed to be their King, but they were so evil that they had to have judges who helped them out. Eventually they would cry out for a king like their surrounding nations and God would give them their first king in the form of wicked Saul.) 


Well, on a much lighter note, I braved the black Friday crowds with my mom and sister. I met them and my nephew for lunch, then us girls went into a couple of shops. I could only take so much, though and called it a day as the crowds grew. And that, my friends brings me to this.


I achieved another month of working part-time, managing time and home, leading a small group at Bible study at church and completing another study that I helped write. Those may sound like small things, but they are each things that I take seriously and that take a big chunk of my time as a commitment that I've promised. If I am one thing, it's diligent and I try to be faithful to what God has called me to do. Life definitely has some beautiful moments. 

These two pictures above were me as I waited on my small group ladies to get there and of me at work. I love getting to our room at church early and spend time praying before they start coming in. This was a rare morning at work when I was the first one there. I was getting my little space all set up for my morning of work. I still love our historical building and office. I am such a sucker for details like brick walls and imperfections. 

Thanks for reading my blog! If you're new here, I blog five days a week unless it's a break that I've scheduled like last week during the Thanksgiving holiday when I took two days off. It's a sweet community here and I try to always be encouraging and uplifting, so I hope you come back and visit often! Love to all. 


  1. Those are all wonderful things to be loving! I am loving that we haven't had any long lasting cold spells (as of yet!). It's so lovely to be able to hike in just a few layers and not need my big bulky coat yet.

    I watched the movie you mentioned in passing today-- The Noel Diary one with Justin Heartly on Netflix and I just LOVED it!!

  2. Thanks, Joanne! Now I need to take my own advice and watch the same movie. Ha! I totally get loving not having to wear a bulky coat. It rarely gets that cold here.

  3. I know what you mean about squeezing in all the sweaters on those chilly days. Last week was cold and rainy here, and it was actually a nice change. This week we're back up to 80! Have a great week. By the way, what Bible do you use? Thanks.

  4. Nice! It's so good to step back and be appreciative of the small elements that make up a life. You are blessed and bless others!

  5. Tanya, I know you loved that! We're not at 80, but we've been steadily making our way back to 70 ever since that cold ten days. We'll be back at 50 tomorrow, though, so I'm happy about that. I love and have the She Reads Truth Bible ever since the year they first came out with one. This is actually my second one that you see pictured's a rose gold "leather touch" one. I love the CSB translation (it's most accurate and easy to read), the beautiful artwork throughout and the opening notes of each book. I recommend this Bible to EVERYONE. There's even a He Reads Truth Bible now!

  6. Amy, you are so right! I love that. Thank you, friend!

  7. I'm about as wishy washy as the weather :) I want it to get cooler, then I am too cold so I want it a little warmer :) But I did buy a few new sweaters, so now Texas needs to get with the program!

    Reading your synopsis on Judges made me remember some details I haven't read in a long time. It's not a book I go back to, unless I'm directed to. But I forgot there is so much history in the book of Judges.

    Now I'm off to read your next post :) Have a great Tuesday!

  8. Debbie, that made me laugh. I get it! My husband is like that. I wondered where you lived! Are you near the Dallas area? I'm just curious. There are so many great places to visit for people who live there!

    Judges definitely isn't a favorite book of mine, per se, but I love the reminder that it gives me about the importance of being faithful to God and even something like church attendance. That helps keep us accountable and it's important to hand that down to family members! I read the Bible chronologically every other year, which is a great way to read through because it makes me remember when certain books were written and all that was going on in that time. I follow the chronological Bible teaching website- Iva, Stan and Jennifer May are the main contributors, but they've divided the Bible into 14 eras, which really helps the timeline stand out in my brain. You should look into the website! It's

    Thanks, friend! I hope your day is great!

  9. I loved our cold weather and am glad for this season of weather. So true about Judges with the comparison to today. It is convicting to share with this next generation.

  10. I chuckled at that meme about all the Hallmark movies have so few actors and plots! Too funny! I love that you are so devoted to serving and ministering in all your various outlets - that is definitely an achievement to keep it all going! Visiting from SFS

  11. Marilyn, I'm so glad it's cold again today! And you are so right about that. Our job is never done!

  12. Kym, isn't that hilarious? And still, I watch. I don't care, they just make me so happy! Thanks for that!

  13. What beautiful great nieces! I'm sure they love their Auntie Jen! The hallmark observation is hilariously accurate! HA! Your small town sounds amazing, as well as your Bible study.

  14. Jennifer, I love the insights you're drawing from the Book of Judges. Even though it doesn't have the most uplifting material, it is home to one of my favorite people in the Bible: Gideon. :-) Love your fingernails too.

  15. Sounds like a great month! Your nieces are adorable!! I just moved to Ohio over the last month and am adjusting to colder days earlier than we would normally have in NC. I'm not sad about it but definitely need some warmer clothes, LOL!

  16. Thank you, Lisa! I love BEING their auntie Jen and we do love our little town. I have lived here my entire life- almost 46 years! I love being able to say that and that we've also raised our sons here. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Thanks, Lois! You're so right about it not being very uplifting, but I keep drawing out such bright things from it, which I love. Part of it's just my personality, I know. I love Gideon! He reminds me of me. A little scared every once in a while, but willing as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Thanks, Cindy! I bet that's a huge adjustment. You will DEFINITELY need some warm clothes, living in Ohio! Thanks for stopping by!


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