Sunday, March 26, 2023

my sister Terri

It's Sunday night as I write this, and for the last hour I've been reading old blog posts about my sister Terri. Many of you have heard me talk about her here before, and how she almost died nine years ago almost to the day. At that time in her life, she became really sick with pneumonia and it severely damaged her lungs, which later turned into pulmonary fibrosis. If you read about her disease, the amount of life lived after such a diagnosis is varied, I guess depending upon the overall health of the patient who is sick. 

Terri was my dad's oldest daughter, or his oldest baby girl, as she referred to herself as. Dad had Paul and Terri by a previous marriage before he married Mom, so Paul and Terri are (were) quite a bit older than me. Terri had this beautiful and infectious laugh about her, and a twinkle in her eyes when she smiled. She loved to joke and poke fun at the people she loved most, and she was full of life until all of a sudden she wasn't. She was the first one to boast over giving Todd his first sisterly kiss on the cheek the second we were married, and she never let any of the other sisters forget that. 

Terri had become really sick after Christmas and went downhill pretty quickly. Even though we knew it was coming to this, somehow it still surprised us all that it happened so fast. I say that, but I am thankful that she passed away quickly, and feel like that God was merciful in not letting her suffer for much longer. People can live for months and months on hospice, but she passed away on Saturday, after a day of being put on that. God is always merciful and good, and He is sovereign over time and circumstances. He allowed this to happen when my brother just so happened to be here to celebrate Daddy turning 92 on Wednesday of this week. I'm so glad it worked out this way, because I think they both need each other this week. So, I wanted to share that here for you today. I have no idea if I'll be blogging anymore this week. I'm taking it a day at a time, and at the encouragement of my principal, I am taking a few days off from work to be with my family. I would love for you to pray for my dad! His memory is just not what it once was, and as you can imagine would happen, he keeps forgetting that Terri died. It's heartbreaking! Thanks for your prayers, thanks for your love, and for your well wishes. Know that I am also praying for many of you today as well, particularly one dear friend who reached out to me last night. My heart breaks for her as well. Life is hard, friends, even with Jesus, but I can't imagine life without Him. Do you know Him? 

I'll leave you with a couple of old pictures of Terri. 

I'm thankful for the hope that we have in Jesus and that what we have believed in faith, she is now seeing face to face. 


  1. Sending lots of prayers for comfort for you and your family. And a special one for your dad, too. I’m so sorry. 😔

  2. Oh Jennifer I am so very sorry. Such beautiful words here as always- sending you peace and love XO

  3. Oh, I am so sorry. I will pray for peace and comfort for you, your Dad, Paul, and all the others who loved her. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing by taking off to be with your family. I will be thinking of you.

  4. So sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. That is so, so hard. I will pray for your dad and the whole family.

  5. I'm so sorry Jennifer! I am glad she did not suffer and linger. I pray God will give your dad the peace and a sense of understanding that will gently stay with him. And what a blessing that your brother was already here, where he needed to be. God is good :)

  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you comforting thoughts and hugs from afar.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying.

  8. A beautiful tribute. Praying for you, your dad and your family. Sending you a hug as well.

  9. Expected or not, quick or slow, it's always hard to lose someone we love. :( I'm sorry for your loss of Terri.

  10. Thank you, Debbie! He is so sweet to us. I love the lyrics of The Goodness of God that say, "I have lived in the goodness of God." It's so true!

  11. I am so, so sorry for your loss!

  12. I am so sorry for your loss Jennifer. Please know that I will be praying for you, your lovely dad and your family. Sending warm hugs xx

  13. You are going through a very hard thing, and I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved sister. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  14. Thank you so much, Deb! I do appreciate the thoughts, kind words, and prayers.


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