Saturday, April 29, 2023

share 4 somethings


Hello, friends! I'm so glad you're here for this month's edition of Share 4 Somethings. We're talking about what we've loved, learned, read, and ate this month. I'll jump right in!

Loved: I have loved the nice days we've had this month! It's fun working at an elementary school this time of year, because you can make everything fun just by taking it outside. We do that every chance we get! 

This was us on Monday. We do something fun with them that they all love, called Reader's Theater. We give them a script to read, then we have a script read for a couple of days where they sit in a circle and practice their lines with emotion. We teach them how to act something out, and then they put on the play for us. We record it so that we can watch it back together and talk about it. It's good for them to hear themselves read, because it helps them read with more feeling. 

Learned: I've learned a lot this month while working in an elementary school. I've learned how intense and brutal state testing is, and I remembered why I am so grateful that we made the decision to homeschool our sons! I work in an excellent school, don't get me wrong, but the "required" testing is not for the faint of heart. I hated it for the students, but I'm glad that I was able to be a part of it, in the same breath. I prayed over all those students intently each day as I sat and stared at the cinder blocks on the walls of the tiny office I was in. Bless them! 

Read: I have read some excellent books this month! Come back on Monday, when I share about what I read in April. 

Ate: I ate some yummy things this month! One of our favorite things is buffalo chicken. I put the tenderloins into a crockpot with a good bit of buffalo sauce (Sweet Baby Ray's is our fave) and let it cook all day. I serve it with roasted potatoes, but we also eat the leftovers on a cauliflower pizza crust. It's delicious! Todd and I ate out a few times, at our favorite Mexican places where the food is great and the margaritas are even better, and we brought sushi home from our favorite local place. I've cooked other things too, but I'm ready for grilling season again! 

Out of all the things I ate this month, this breakfast with my oldest son was my favorite. On a very difficult day, he whisked me away to my favorite breakfast one morning, and I could have cried over how thoughtful it was of him. My Graham is many things, but my favorite things about him are his thoughtfulness and the fact that you can depend on him for anything. And yes, one of my all time favorite breakfasts is from McDonald's. I love their bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits! He got me this and the largest Diet Coke he could buy. 

I am so glad you're here today! I can't wait to read all of your posts. Don't forget to visit the other blogs that are linked up and leave them some comment love. In case you didn't already know, I'll be hosting another link party on Wednesday of this week, one called Currently. We'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, picturing, craving, wishing, and collecting. I hope you come back for that as well! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. That readers theatre sounds fun - and yes, taking it outdoors is always lovely! Thank you for hosting and I hope whateer caused the terrible day has passed.

  2. There's nothing like an egg, bacon, and cheese biscuit. When I am being healthier I get an egg mcmuffin but boy, do I love the biscuit! I will sometimes get them for us and take them on our boat if we go earlier in the day.
    Such a sweet sentiment from your son!
    I wish we had more outdoor space and opportunities for high school because it would be great for them!
    Happy Saturday!

  3. Having school (or anything) outside always makes it more fun. :) Buffalo chicken sounds great to me, too, yet it's not something I make myself. I need to try it. Thanks for hosting us!

  4. Your Graham sounds like a sweetheart!

  5. I'm sorry for the brutal day you had, but how sweet of your sun to whisk you away to your favorite breakfast place. :-) I'm with you on the standardized testing ... my daughter is a senior and I'm as glad for her to do be done with all that as she is! Thanks for hosting the linkup!

  6. How wonderfully thoughtful of your son - someone giving me my favorite breakfast can't fail to cheer me up. It's a great way to start the day!

  7. Love the idea of Reader's Theater. I wish everyone learned to read with emotion!

    How sweet of your boy to take you to breakfast. Having a thoughtful kid is worth everything.

    Interesting idea about the buffalo chicken with Sweet Baby Ray's ... some of my picky crew love buffalo chicken. We also are a Sweet Baby Ray's fam. This might be a good alternative for my pickies when I'm having somethng else they don't like.

  8. That is just so sweet about the McDonald's breakfast. When the kids get old enough to do thoughtful things for me, it just melts my heart. My fave breakfast is Mcdonald's sausage biscuit. Horrible for me, but so yummy. I hate the state testing too. I have heard that Tx is going to all kids taking the test on computers. That just wouldn't work for some kids, and I don't think its fair! Have a good weekend.

  9. I'm so glad you had that special time with your son. Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. Awe! McDonald's breakfast and 1:1 time with your special! I hope you are having a restful weekend.

  11. Your Graham sounds like my Elijah. State testing is hard, especially for students that don't test well (me! when I was a kid). I love the reading/recording exercise, that really sets them up not only for good reading, but also for reading/recording, I think it's so cool!

  12. Lydia, I am glad to host this each month! It's one of my favorites. The reader's theater is so much fun! I love seeing them read it and come alive while reading it with fun voices. Thanks for that!

  13. Amy- YES! I love them so much, I just don't eat them anymore. I sure did enjoy it on that day, though! You are so right, it's too bad the older kids can't get outdoors more. I think it would liven them up and enhance their learning experience.

  14. Lisa- yes! You should try it sometime. It would be really good on a baked potato, too! I am glad to host this each month. It's one of my favorites!

  15. Thank you, Debbie! He really is. I'm so grateful for him...ALL of them!

  16. Thanks, Lois! I know she is glad to be finished with it as well. I was thrilled for the students when they finished! We had a few that opted out of it, and I can't say that I blame them. You're welcome- I am glad to host it, since it's one of my favorites.

  17. Thanks, Jerralea! I hope you try it soon- they may really like it!

  18. Thanks, Tanya! I am the same way. I love thoughtfulness! And quality time is my love language. I am with you on that and rarely eat that these days. Getting older sucks the fun out of things! 🤣

  19. Cindy, your Elijah sounds like a sweetheart! I love it too, for that very reason. I hope you had a great weekend!

  20. Thanks, Jen! It was so good, and I hope yours was as well!

  21. Warm weather seems to make everything better! I love that Readers Theater idea, and it's just a fun way to learn and practice reading well. Bless you for praying over the kids during the state testing days. Thanks for hosting SFS!

  22. It makes such a difference when the weather starts to get warmer and we can do more things outside!
    And thanks for hosting this link-up. I used to take part regularly last year at Heather's but this is my first time joining here!

  23. Kym, YES! I agree wholeheartedly. As a reader, it really does mean a lot to me when I hear someone read with emotion. Thank you for that! I am always glad to host this fun link party!

  24. Lesley, I agree! I am so glad you joined us again this month! I'm glad to host this, since it's one of my favorite link parties. The logistics of which link belongs to who these days never really bothers me- there are just some that I love and a few of them have changed hands over the years. I may get tired of hosting this someday and put it out there for someone else to host- it's a great way to gain new readers on the blog, I will say that, which I am always thankful for. I love making new friends! I hope you keep joining us each month! I post pretty regularly here each week- two to three times each week, but when school lets out, I'll most likely be back to posting five days a week. I hope you come back and visit!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...