Friday, May 5, 2023

Friday Favorites, the happy May edition (5.5.23.)


Happy Friday, friends! I don't know about you, but May will always be one of my favorite months because of the promise of warmer weather and all that comes with that each year. Even though I no longer have school-aged kids, I will always love the thought of how summer is coming! And let's be real—it'll be a sad day when I no longer look forward to this time of year. 

Anyway, I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. It's been such a great week for me, and I hope you can say the same! It helped tremendously that it was teacher appreciation week, and for two days, I didn't have to think about what to pack for lunch. That will always be my favorite! On Wednesday, the PTA brought Firehouse subs in for us, and on Thursday, our awesome cafeteria manager Denise made us a hamburger bar and salad bar for lunch! Isn't that the sweetest? I love not having to think about lunch!

Going to bed early on Friday night and watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before was a favorite for the week, for sure. Will it ever not feel luxurious to lay in bed and watch tv? 

And yes, that is my son's dog Oakley going to bed with me. She goes to bed with me every single night, without fail. Also, do you spy my nightlight in our bathroom? I love that thing! 

This was me Saturday, about to go out with my mom and sister. That's one of my favorite things to do! It felt like it had been weeks since I'd last seen them, so it was good to go have lunch, and run errands together. I had to go to Target and Trish wanted to make a Home Goods run, so that's what we did. 

You all know that my favorite thing to do on weekends is to watch movies, and this one was so cute! I watched this one on Prime TV Sunday night.

This was my favorite thing to walk into on Monday morning when I walked into school. Post-It notes are my favorite! 

Morning songs in Kindergarten are always a favorite! We give them the option to stand in the back and dance or to sit and sing. It was a low-key morning, so they all wanted to sit. We have this one little girl who always sings during the time she's with us, and while it is SO ADORABLE (seriously, it's one of the sweetest things I have ever seen), it is also frustrating for her teachers. She was with me yesterday, and I was calling out spelling words to them to practice writing and I kept having to say her voice to snap her out of the daydream she was in. She told me, "I can't hear other voices when I'm trying to listen to my own voice singing." 🤣 

This beautiful day was my favorite. I was hanging out in the yard with the dogs on this day, and I noticed our Crash just standing there sniffing the air. 

This day of Bible and devotional reading was another favorite. I really needed to read exactly what I read at the exact moment that I read it. I love it when that happens! I also still love this devotional book by Bob Goff called Live in Grace Walk in Love. You should check it out! 

My favorite line here is where he wrote, "Keep your head in the game. Remain focused when you don't know where the story is going. God does, and He's a terrific storyteller." This feels so relevant to me right now, because I literally don't know what is coming next in my life, as far as work goes. 

Graham took his pup to get groomed this week! Leaving the house in a vehicle and going somewhere is NOT Oakley's favorite.

I'm at work really early everyday (like 40 minutes early), and one of the days that I got there, the principal asked to take my picture by our class for her to post on Parent Square. I readily agreed, and I ended up talking to her in the hall for like ten minutes. I went ahead and told her my thoughts about not returning next semester, and she completely understands when I explained my reasoning behind it. I just love her so much! She's such a wonderful person to work for. 

Another favorite day at work with goodies for lunch and special treats from our PTA! 

I don't know what it is about Diet Dr. Pepper that I love so much, but it's a favorite guilty pleasure for sure. I usually stick to clear soft drinks with no sugar, but every once in a while, I indulge. 

Last up, and certainly not least, is my newest favorite thing in my arsenal of makeup. I have been reading about this sunscreen for your face for years, and I finally broke down and purchased some from Amazon. Here's a link for you, but just a heads up—you can purchase it at Walmart for much less, so here's a link for Walmart. It is worth every single penny, I promise! I add a drop or two to my foundation in the morning, and it makes my makeup have that dewy look. 

I wrote a few other blog posts this week! Did you happen to read them? I'll share them below.

Saturday was Share 4 Somethings.

Monday was a post about the books I read in April.

Wednesday was the Currently link party that I host.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope you have the best weekend. Love to all! 


  1. Glad to hear you got spoiled at worked and felt so appreciated! I'm sure it feels good to have made a decision about the next school year already. I love Diet Dr. Pepper as well. I've been trying to cut down on my pop drinking as it's such a bad habit for me. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! It does feel good. I know I will miss it and the kids, but I am also relieved at having arrived to the fact that I'm like 90% sure about my decision. I get that! I usually have one a day, but sometimes I'll go days without one. I do also try to stick the clear drinks, so I don't feel too bad about my choice. They're just so good! I hope you have a great weekend, my friend.

  3. What a good week! I have also always wondered about Glow Screen and maybe I will finally treat myself. I am not happy with what I have as it leaves a white finish on my skin.
    I hope you have another wonderful Saturday. I know you will make the right decision about next year and I think by you being transparent with your principal that maybe she will find the right fit/hours for you?

  4. It sounds like you've had a great week! Your memories of summer resonate with me :) I love summer mornings because they remind me of the days when my boys were little and we would head out to the backyard on summer mornings. I would put the baby pool in the grass and they would play or swing and I would hand out snacks and juice :) It's the little things that stick with us, right?

    It sounds like you're getting some clarity on what you want to do next year. That's always a good feeling! "Follow the peace" as my son has taught me :)

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. Our schools celebrate teacher appreciation next week so I've been working on making cards for ALL my son's teachers. It sounds like you had a wonderful week.

  6. Kids say the funniest things don’t they?! I think that is one of my favourite thing about working with children. What a perfect opportunity to chat with your principal about your thoughts on not returning. Those decisions are so hard to make! I really want to try the sunscreen because I love any product that leaves my skin looking dewy. I usually use neutrogena but I just finished the bottle. So I will definitely give glow screen a try. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Jennifer!

  7. Thanks, Amy! You should try it, I know you'll love it as much as I do. It doesn't leave that white look at all, and feels like it's actually working as a moisturizer. I hope you had a great weekend! Unfortunately, as far as hours go, it's only full time that they offer, but I really am excited about being at home again. I believe everything is working out just as it should.

  8. Thank you, Debbie! Those were the best days, were they not? My boys all still love the summer as well, even though it looks different as they've gotten older. I love that about them. I am so thankful about the wisdom and clarity God has given me over what to do next. I am ready!

  9. Joanne, that's probably quite a few cards! I know they'll turn out beautifully. It was a great one!

  10. Ruth, YES! I need to write things down before I forget. They crack me up! Thank you for that encouragement. I think you'll love the Glow Screen!


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

  Happy Friday, friends! How's your week been? Mine has been pretty good; I am glad to have plans all of tonight and tomorrow. That'...