Saturday, May 27, 2023

Share 4 Somethings: May 2023

Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to the May edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about what we loved, learned, read, and ate this month. I'm so glad you're here! Just a reminder—make sure to visit the other participating blogs and leave some comment love for them. Happy reading!

This month, I loved all the end of school year celebrations. It was so nice to have special treats at work so often, and I'm glad to say that I didn't go overboard with splurging on food. I am not following a diet of any sort, but I am doing my best to eat things that are healthy and low in sugar and gluten free. I just feel better when I eat this way, and I'm down about 25 pounds since I started this in late December. I'm not doing anything that costs or using gimmicks, I'm just doing my best and using my own willpower. Slow and steady is the best way to do this for me. 

You can see from these pictures that are a year apart that while my husband has changed a lot since then, mine is not as noticeable, except for in my face. I'll take any change at all, even the small ones! 

I learned that May is brutal in the land of working in a school. All the things happen in this month, and it was insane! I do vaguely remember that from when I was in another elementary school twelve years ago, but I'd forgotten. 

Except mine goes beyond summer, now that I'm a stay at home dog mom again. 🤣

I read some great books this month! You should DEFINITELY come back and visit me on Wednesday, when I share about them all. You'll want to add some to your summer reading list, for sure! 

I'm so excited about all the great books I have lined up to read this summer. I read a lot on Thursday, which felt wonderful and luxurious after working full time. I love having nothing hanging over my head! 

I ate some great barbecue recently, thanks to my husband bringing it home with him after working at the Barbecue Fest that took place for Memphis in May last weekend. It was amazing, and I still have some left. I anticipate good meals this weekend, so I'm pretty excited. 

Thanks for being here and linking up today! I look forward to reading all of your posts. Thanks for reading my blog, once again, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. Good for you on the healthy eating. I am on a low cholesterol diet and when I stick to it I drop weight too because it's all low fat. But with COVID I wnet off the wagon. I was just thinking today I need to clean myself up again - It was thaty food-pity party thing...Never a good way. Anyway, I think you look great in the second picture and because the're different dress styles, you may not be seeing change but it does llook like you've changed. I think men's metabolism makes them lose weight much faster initially but then it slows.

  2. Congratulations on losing so much weight! This is a topic that I would love to hear more about because it's always a struggle for me. I definitely think being out of the house helps. But, I need to eat healthier, for sure.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. You both look great in both pictures, but I'm sure you feel better with the lower weight. Cheering for you and your willpower.

    In my SFS post I tell a story about a bad experience eating sugar, it definitely will serve as an incentive for restraint in future!

  4. Thank you, Lydia! You're right about it being easier for men with their high metabolism. My husband has been on his weight loss journey since February of 2022 and he's lost about 70 pounds. He looks amazing! And thank you for the sweet encouragement. I decided I had to make changes after Christmas last year, and though I've had some "treats" on special occasion days, I try to not do that too often. I feel so much better if I stay away from gluten, so that's another reason I started doing it this way. Thanks for linking up with us today!

  5. Thank you, Debbie! I may do a blog post about it soon, just for accountability purposes. I love reading things about this topic and I'm always interested in the reasoning behind people starting a healthier way of living. That's what I consider what we're doing- just a new and healthier version of living our best lives. It's hard to get started, but once you start and get a couple of weeks under your belt, so to speak, it gets easier. It will definitely be a new lifestyle for us- we don't ever want to go back to unhealthy eating. We're being proactive now to prevent things like heart problems and possible diabetes later in life.

  6. Lory, thank you for that! You're absolutely right, my friend. We do both feel SO much better! I have a longer way to go, but any change in the right direction is good with me. Thanks for sharing that today and for linking up with us, I'm off to do some blog reading!

  7. That is so awesome about the weight look great! I will be happy one week from today when nothing (the move!) is hanging over my head. Can't wait to get back to all my blog buddies more regularly!

  8. Congratulations on finishing school! I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy your summer break, especially with good books to read! Congratulations on both of you making progress in your healthy living/weight loss! You both look great!

  9. That's wonderful to hear about your healthy eating journey. It's refreshinbg to hear that you are doing this by just eating right and not using anything costly or gimmicks. It's so easy to get caught up in them, when I think that doing what works for us because we know our minds and bodies is good for us.
    I've got to tell you that the dress your wearing in the first photo is fantastic. And I so love the types of readers.
    Visiting from #13

  10. Thank you, Tanya! I know you will love not having anything hanging over your head like that. What a huge undertaking it has been! I know you're more than ready to be settling into your new home and making it yours.

  11. Thank you, Lisa! I am so happy to be finished. It's amazing how quickly I've settled back into being a stay at home wife again! I am loving it and have already taken advantage of the extra time.

  12. Thank you so much, Paula! I appreciate your sweet encouragement. I feel the same when I hear other people talk about this- it's very hopeful and refreshing to hear that people still do things the old fashioned way. Thank you for that! I ordered if from Amazon last year- I still love it and may wear it to church tomorrow.

  13. Congrats on the healthy eating, Jennifer! You look happy and rested. What a good place to be ...

  14. You both look amazing! I'm hoping to get back on track with everything now that I have a bit more time. I appreciated all of the teacher appreciation love we've had the past couple of weeks. It was very much needed in the month of May.

  15. I can definitely tell a difference in the two photos!! I think you look great! Congrats on your healthier eating plan! I love the book graphics, he he, I am probably the one who never completes but still buys more.. but I need to do better! So so so glad I found this party, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!

  16. Thanks, Jen! I agree- it definitely helped get us through the month. I know you'll have no problem getting back on track, my friend!

  17. Thank you, Stacy! I love that graphic as well. I totally could be that way- this month, I was the queen of starting and not finishing books. When it's all over and done with, I think I'll only have read two books in May! That's unheard of for me, I usually read at least four each month.

  18. What a fun link up and way to think about the previous month! Joining in, happy to have found your blog from Stacy over at A Homemakers Heart. And yes, May is the craziest and busiest month in schools even preschools. May is like a crazy December except it's warmer. Ha.

  19. Hello, Jean! I'm so glad you found us through your friend Stacy and that you're joining in with us this month. I hope you come back often to visit! I write almost daily and I'm hosting another fun link party on Wednesday June 7. Stay tuned for more details! I know it is equally as crazy, if not even more so, for you at your preschool. May is DEFINITELY worse than December!

  20. Good for you with the healthier way of eating! I've been struggling to be consistent with willpower and discipline, but I guess I just have to keep trying. Running behind in all my commenting this week after a busy holiday weekend! Thanks for hosting!

  21. I am a few days late, but I am here! Congratulations on surviving May!! Are you not going back next year? Or was it just a temp job? Even better, congratulations on the weight loss!! Slow and steady is the BEST way to keep it off. I need to lose weight but I have not been trying as hard as I could have (with eating right and exercising!). I hope you have a WONDERFUL summer!

  22. Slow and steady is the best way to shed pounds and keep them off! Good job; it's not always easy but it is so worth it. I keep adding more and more books to my reading pile!

  23. Thank you, Kym! The struggle is so very real. It's so hard to stay on track. I try to not beat myself up if I have times of cheating, but I do try to be diligent as well. It helps when everyone in the house is on board!

  24. Cindy, I am so glad you're here! I leave the link open for three weeks each month, for anyone who wants to join in late. Thank you for that! I will not be going back, and was only hired as a temporary assistant. I am 100% okay with it, too, because I was tired by the middle of last week and had major burnout. I have never been so glad to see summer!

  25. Thank you, Joanne! I agree, slow and steady is always best. You should see my list of books that I want to read! It's growing by the minute.

  26. Good job on the healthy eating. I too am on that journey and have found that Noom has helped me. I'm enjoying reading the "Dearest Dorothy" series, which I post in my blog. Visiting from #18. Enjoy your new found freedom!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...