Monday, September 11, 2023

weekend things


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was good, and it felt like it went by quickly. Am I alone in this? I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

I will tell you that I had a very low key weekend, because I was on dog duty at my house. Two of our sons who live here still were both out of town, so I stayed close to home to take care of them. Dad and I had tamales for lunch on Friday, which were delicious, and I was going to have what was leftover for dinner, but that didn't happen. I ended up making dinner to take to someone, and I had some of what I made instead. I watched Virgin River all of Friday night. Have you watched it yet? It's so good! 

Before I go on, I have to tell you how great of a day I had with my dad, one that started off about an earlier than usual. I have to confess that I was a little worried that the change in routine would frazzle him a bit, but it didn't do that at all. We laughed our heads off over a silly song that we listened to, and the lyrics ended up making my dad crave apple pie with his dinner. It's the song, Give me the Simple Life that Steve Tyrell sings...and it was such a small moment in time, but Dad couldn't stop singing the song. We were cracking up over the fact that so many of our memories and conversations have to do with Jesus or food. There could things that are far worse to talk about, am I right? It was such a good day, one filled with silliness and laughter, and I feel like days like that are few and far between with his dementia. What a gift!

(Chloe still loves my dad!)

In between episodes of Virgin River, I also watched this movie on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel.

It was so good! The last thing I want to mention in my easy weekend is the fact that I love sitting next to my mom in church on Sundays. Since my job started, I've given up choir, and even though I know she misses seeing me in the choir or on stage, I'd give it up time and again over the choice of that or sitting next to her each week. I love that we hold hands when we pray, and that I get to hug her when I see her and again before I slip out before the service ends. It's one of those priceless moments in life that I don't ever want to take for granted, and I wanted to acknowledge both sweet times that I spent with my parents this weekend here today on my blog, before I forget. 

I'm sure you had some moments in your weekend that were equally as sweet, and I'd love to hear about them! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. What a joy that you had such a nice day with your Dad! Today would have been my Dad's 81st birthday and I miss him so much. I hear a quote of his or use a quote of his almost every day. I am excited to watch Virgin River and I want to go see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3. Everything is on hold for me until after Sunday when Mason leaves and I wouldn't have it any other way. He has been wanting to watch Gilmore Girls with me.

  2. Jennifer,
    What a blessing to have both of your parents so close and get to spend time together. Your posts about your dad just always bless me :)

    I love low key weekends! Hope your job is going well :)

    Happy Monday!

  3. Loved reading about your day with your dad- yeah! Such joy :) i have another suggestion for you for a current and new Hallmark movie- "Fourth Down and Love"- it was so cute! Just premiered Friday Night and I watched it yesterday- let me know if you end up watching it!

  4. That is so sweet about being able to sit with your mom in church now that your role has changed. Hope you have a great week.

  5. Amy, happy birthday to your sweet daddy. I know you miss him! I love how you think of him daily. I don't blame you for pushing everything off until after Sunday! There will be plenty of time for all of that. For now, you're doing what you should be- enjoying all the moments with Mason. 💙

  6. Debbie, thank you! It's a huge blessing to be close to them both, and Todd's parents as well. I try to never take that for granted!

    The job is going really well. I really do love it, and I love that I get to share in the act of hospitality to people who are in our church. I really do feel that it's an important job, and I've been told multiple times that if ever there were a perfect match for a person to be in the bookstore, and doing that job, that it would be me. Even some of the pastors have said that to me, which is very sweet.

    Of course I am still in the learning process, and I make mistakes, but everyone has been kind to me about it and they extend grace to me. I haven't figured out how to place orders yet, because I don't have my own computer. The friend who had it before me is still having to do certain things like that, with me looking over her shoulder. I love that people can come in and visit with me while I work. I am in the process of figuring it all out, and I know it'll take some time. In all of that, I am also having fun!

  7. Thank you, Holly! I feel so fortunate that we live by all our parents. What a gift! I recorded that over the weekend and hope to watch it today. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. Thank you, Tanya! I really do love those moments that we have together. I got really choked up over it all a couple of weeks ago! It was the Sunday that our boys were sitting with her and my stepdad. I saw her lean over and one of them put his arm around her and I just about lost it. How sweet! I hope you have a great day, my friend.

  9. I'm so glad you made new memories with your dad this weekend. Dementia can be so hard. Hubby recorded that Hallmark movie for me and I'm planning to watch it this afternoon. I hope you have a great week.

  10. Thanks, Cathy! You're so right...each day is brand new, thankfully. I know you will love that movie! It was sweet of him to record it for you!

  11. Oh I LOVE that song! I seriously wrote a blog post centered around that song back in 2015. ( It sounds like a wonderful day with your dad and I love that little note about getting to sit next to your mom at church now too. It really is those simple moments that make a lifetime of memories.

  12. Joanne, I love that song too! Thanks for sharing your post, I'm about to go read it now. You are so right! It really is all about the small things and moments of joy in life, right?

  13. What a lovely post about the time spent with your parents. I need to catch up on Virgin River.

  14. Thanks, Pamela! You have got to watch it, it's so good!


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