Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Currently -- the December edition


Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to our last Currently link party of this year! Today we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping, and attending. I can't believe it's our last one of the year, but we'll be picking back up in January with all new prompts. I'm working on them now and will let you know in a couple of weeks what they'll be throughout the year. Thank you for linking up with me for this post each month! You've made it way more fun that I'd ever hoped for, and I am so glad to hear how much all of you enjoy this post. I do, too, and I look forward to keeping it going! 


I am loving all of the Christmas season festivities! Everything is so much more fun during the month of December, including work. Last week I mentioned that it was "all hands on deck" for getting the church decorated for the holidays, and it was so much fun seeing everyone pitch in. I don't know that everyone had a great attitude about having to do it, but it was fun seeing everyone involved. For the last ten years at least, the worship ministry has been in charge of doing this. It's a HUGE job, and this year things changed since December is one of the busiest months of the year for the worship ministry. Several people on staff pitched in with it all this year, which means it won't look the same, but it'll still be beautiful. 

See what I mean?! I am also loving all of the festive and fun things that we've been participating in!


One thing I am gifting is a gift that's practical. My stepdad's birthday is today—Happy birthday, Bill! Years ago I started gifting him a library card membership each year. He lives nearby, and he loves to read, so I thought it was a great idea to give him a card to our local library. I don't know when this tradition started, but we've kept it up each year since. He loves it, and I love giving him something practical that keeps giving all year long. I am also gifting some things for the girls in our sons' lives. They're fun to shop for! I've enjoyed coming up with things. 

What is your favorite thing to gift? 


I need to start wrapping presents! They've started rolling in like clockwork, and I need to work on catching up with that this week before it gets out of hand. It's actually kind of already out of hand. On a side note, I love wrapping gifts! I love the whole process and I use our kitchen table when I do this. I clear everything off and keep the tape, scissors, paper, and bows nearby; I crank up the Christmas music and get to work! 

In the blog world, I am making plans to wrap up another year of blogging. I have all kinds of ideas I plan on sharing, so I hope you stick around and come back each day to read! I don't plan on stopping with the daily posting, but I obviously won't write on Christmas day. And then again, I just might. Who knows? 


I am hoping to finish up the gift buying this weekend. On Friday I'm going to Nashville for the day! My best friend and I are leaving early that morning, and meeting up with our friend Teresa to shop, eat, and be merry, then we'll be driving back home that night. I'm so excited! 


I'm attending all the Christmas parties this year! This is a fun part of my job. I had a nice dinner out last night with the writing team ladies from church, I had a lunch and Christmas treat exchange yesterday with the ladies from work, I have a Christmas party tomorrow night with the staff from church at my favorite beautiful and historical venue. All of these things are so much fun! I love attending as many as I can. 

I'm so glad you're here for another month of Currently! Thank you for joining in with me each month this year! I do plan on continuing to host this in 2024, and I am working on the prompts for the whole year. I may even try to make a graphic...we'll see if I'm able to do this. If you make those, can you tell me which website or app you use? I'd love to know! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Don't forget to go and visit some of the other posts here today and leave them some comment love. I appreciate you! Love to all.

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful link-up Jennifer! There sure is so much to love about this time of the year. I love the pic of you and your dad, it really warms my heart! Enjoy all the wonderful festivities friend! xxx

  2. Yes, thank you for providing this fun link up! I just love your present participles!
    It seems like you are relishing all the wonderful things about the season! You are busy, too! I don't have many holiday events and even Tom's work party is not until January this year!

  3. Thank you, Ruth! I love this link party as well and always look forward to it each month. I'm so glad you join us! I hope you enjoy this wonderfully busy season as well!

  4. Thanks, Amy! I thought these were fun as well. It is a busy season, but I don't mind at all. All the Christmas parties and festivities are so much fun!

  5. I'm so glad "Currently" will be continuing in 2024! I love it! And I love the idea of gifting a library membership. What a meaningful tradition and gift.

  6. Thanks, Natasha! I'm glad to host it again. I love giving something so unusual and practical! Thanks for linking up today!

  7. Canva is a wonderful tool to use to make graphics. So simple to use!

  8. Well even though I used the wrong prompts, ha! I love this linkup and so glad you will be continuing it next year. Love all of your festive fun too!

  9. Is a library card not free for you? That's a great gift though!

  10. I have yet to participate in this party (just not a "regular" blogger) but maybe, if I have time today, I will! We do a Family Favorites exchange now that everyone is an "adult" - 2 gifts with an approx value of $50 that you love and use. . .this year I'm giving Bob Goff's 365 Day Devotional and a Teema towel - I will draw two names at our Christmas gathering and those are the two people that will take my gift home. I love Bob's stories and practical questions to ponder and a Teema towel has a million uses! I love mine and hope the two people that get the ones I purchased love theirs also :) This year we have a new person who will be introduced to our family and this will be a good way to get to know her - through what she chooses as her "favorite thing". Glad you are enjoying this season so much!!

  11. Do you have to pay to join the library? Interesting. I didn't quite get a currently post together for today, but I love joining in when I can. I use the app and website Canva to make the graphics. I use the free version, but you can upgrade to paid to get more options. Hope this helps!

  12. I love wrapping gifts too! I set up a table in my bedroom and watch Christmas movies while I wrap away. Thank you so much for hosting this fun party each month!

  13. arobinson- thank you! I have heard this before and keep forgetting about it.

  14. Thanks, Holly! You always make me laugh. No worries, my friend!

  15. Dara, it's free for anyone in our town, and anyone can join with a paid membership if they don't live in town. Thanks!

  16. Thanks for that, Tanya! Yes, a library card is free for people in my town; for anyone who lives outside town limits, they can join with a paid membership that lasts for one year. I love it when you join us! Thanks for doing that! I love your link party too, and I didn't get one together this week for yours either. I tried, but I gave up.

  17. Joanne, I love that! That's a great way to get it done. Thanks for joining in each month!

  18. Jennibell- I love that you draw names! Those are wonderful gifts, and I bet they'll be appreciated. I would love to have you join us for this soon! It's a fun one to participate in. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  19. Thank you for this every month. I love joining in, even though I'm usually a little late. lol

    It sounds like you've already done some really fun things and you've got a lot more to do. I wish I could say I love to wrap gifts, but nope, I really don't. But I do love giving gifts.

  20. That tree in your church is beautiful with all the poinsettias surrounding it! I love wrapping gifts too - but unfortunately I'm way behind in buying the gifts so that I have something to wrap! Thanks so much for hosting this fun link-up! Happy Holidays!

  21. WOW - that tree in the church lobby is huge!! What fun it must be to help decorate the church. I would enjoy that. Thanks again for the link-up - always fun!! Have a great weekend!

  22. Cathy, I'm glad you joined in, even if it's a little late! I know a lot of people who hate wrapping gifts. I've always loved to do that, and I've also always loved to fold things like shirts and towels. I realize this makes me weird. 🤣

  23. Kym, I love how it looks with the poinsettias around the bottom. I totally understand being behind...I have been in that same boat many times! I don't love that feeling, I have to admit. Thanks for linking up today!

  24. Jennifer, it's so big that they have to rent a lift each year! It's fun to help decorate, I'm sure you would love it as much as I do! I'm so glad you linked up with us today!

  25. Hi - just wondering about prompts for January! I'm excited to continue to link up here!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...