Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I guess I decided to bring back Thankful Thursdays each week, since this is my third week in a row to make this type of post. As usual, these are things I pulled straight from the pages of my gratitude journal. 

I am thankful for a day with my mom! I spent Monday with her, just she and I, and it was really sweet. We shopped a little for Christmas, we had a delicious lunch, and we included in a couple of our errands. I love days like that! This was a delayed birthday day together, since I worked on my birthday last week. 

I am thankful for the fact that even though Todd and I argue from time to time, we both get over it very quickly. I know that may sound really strange, but it could be so much worse, and we could both hold grudges. Thank the Lord that we're not like that! Usually we argue over a misunderstanding that one of us had. (It's me. It's almost usually me.) 

I am thankful that Todd never minds helping me at work! I was asked to buy some more poinsettias to replace the ones that weren't looking great, and we did that Tuesday night after dinner. We went to Lowe's for me to buy them on my church credit card, then we delivered them to their designated area. Then we watered the heck out of them all. I'd been giving them ice, but it wasn't enough and combined with the lack of sunlight, they were looking rough. I went in the next morning and they'd all perked up considerably! Something about this that made me laugh that I told him Tuesday night was the fact that he had no idea that when I started running the bookstore, he would start working in the bookstore with me. 🤣 We did this two nights in a row; we went to Lowe's on Tuesday, then last night we went to Sam's to restock and unload in the bookstore. He's such a great sport! I always appreciate his help and support.

I'm thankful for the time I saw my guys in the last week! It's such a rare occurrence for us to all be together. I saw them on both Thursday and Friday nights. It did my heart good to be with them! I am also thankful for how close they all are to each other. This is an answer to prayers that I prayed over their childhood years. Graham and Drew traveled together last weekend to Nashville for a Titans game. Drew's company provided this trip, and he got to invite three additional people! I love that he offered a spot to his brother. 

I am thankful that I always enjoy and look forward to going to work, even on Sunday mornings when I leave home at 7:15 and spend the next two hours running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I am also thankful for my friend Julie, the sister of my friend Kelly who ran the bookstore before I took over, who helps me every single Sunday. I couldn't do it without her! 

I'm thankful that it's been colder again this week! I love wearing sweaters and cozy pullovers that I have and can't wear when the weather doesn't cooperate. 

I'm thankful that there have been days at work that we've been fed by different groups of people. Yesterday's lunch was provided by the retired firefighters foundation. Their luncheon is held at our church each year, and they include us in the festivities. Last week there were two days that other groups fed us. I love, love, love that I live and work in our community and that our church is the town's church. Many events and luncheons are held at our church at no cost, so this is a nice way that they give back in appreciation. I love seeing how busy it always is there, as well. 

This was something that drew us there to begin with! It's a thriving church that I live less than one minute away from. What a blessing this is to me both because of work and church. This is also why our boys were always there growing up! They were there anytime anyone on the youth staff was there, and often times would walk or ride bikes there before they started driving. 

I am thankful for the words from 1 Peter in the Bible. I read all of that book yesterday morning during my quiet time, and the Lord used those words to speak directly into my heart exactly what I needed to hear. Have you read this book lately? It's so, so good! 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Love reading about your marriage- so so sweet!! XO

  2. I'm thankful that we finally got our power back after 3 full days without it! I am so thankful for all those work crews that were working nearly around the clock to restore power to so many of us who were left without it. I'm thankful my mother in law finally agreed to return to the ER and that they seem to maybe have a diagnosis and treatment plan in place for her after (after not having been able to eat or drink for a week!). I'm thankful the rest of the family has been healthy and can all pitch in to help out with everything this week. It has felt like A LOT

  3. Love your post and your thankful things. All the poinsettias are beautiful! I wrote a Thankful post over on my blog. Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!

  4. Hello, thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave such a sweet comment. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit through your thankful post. You have a beautiful family. I love the happy smiles. Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you, Holly! You and I both married the good ones!

  6. Joanne, WOW! That has been a lot, my friend. I am so glad to read that things are turning around. I've been MIA on blogs this week, so I'm behind and need to get caught up. I'm glad to see your good attitude is still in check! Bless you all...aging parents is not for the faint of heart!

  7. Thank you, Cathy! I'm glad you posted yours as well. I'll have to go check it out and get caught up!

  8. Happy@Home, you're welcome! Thank you for the same!


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