Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Favorites! 1.12.24.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How's your week been? Mine has been great! It's been wonderful having people back in the church after three weeks of no meetings or Bible studies. People are my favorite! And this is where my best friend dies as she chokes on her Diet Coke, wondering who I am. 

This meme is my favorite from the week! I literally laughed out loud, because it's so true. Anyone else feel like this? Just me??

On a serious note, this is one of my favorite Bible verses. It's Matthew 6:33, and would you believe that I look at the clock at 6:33 twice a day, every single day? I do, I promise. Isn't that crazy?

Marilyn was one of my favorite parts of this week! We ate one of our favorite types of meals together on Sunday evening last weekend; we met up at a local favorite Mexican restaurant. It was delicious! 

Seeing pictures of Todd flying into LA was one of my favorites this week.

Getting a phone call telling me that he was okay, but that he fell through the attic floor to the story ten feet below him was not a favorite. 

He sent me some more pictures of his injuries, but I'll spare the details. 🤣 He was up in an attic feeding cables through the ceiling, and stepped on an access panel and fell right through the floor. Thankfully, he was able to catch himself with his arms;, but not before busting them up, along with one leg and his ribs. He will be very sore when he wakes up this morning! I'm glad he took medicine with him; he has plenty to take to help ease his aches and pains for the duration of his trip. 

Cleaning, freshening up, and organizing are among a few of my favorite things! I spent some time on Monday doing all of these things, and it was my favorite days of the week. 

It is not a favorite of Chloe's when I ignore her and am on my laptop.

My new hot pink Meoky cup is my favorite! It's like an electric pink, it's so bright. 

Chloe's favorite thing to do is snuggle in my arms. This was us when I got home from work on Tuesday, before I went up to change clothes for the rest of the day. 

I shared about my mantel lights this week; they're my favorite! 

I also talked about how thankful I am to have sons who love their jobs; this was the other picture that I saw of Drew when he was on top of a fast food restaurant here in town this week.

#Chatbooks are my favorite! I always make one for each year, and mine came this week.

Chloe's new toys that come in her Bark Box each month are her favorite! She is so funny and stuffs her mouth full of toys.  These were two very large ones that she was carrying around when the box came this week!

I talked about how much I love sunsets here last week; my stepdad Bill sent me this of the sun setting at their house one night last week. Isn't that gorgeous?

Chloe is not Oakley's favorite, and she has to sit and guard her favorite toy in case Chloe decides to come steal it. 

This new top that I bought in the fall is a favorite! It's one of the pico style shirts that I love. This was me at work yesterday. 

Did you happen to catch my blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Monday was a double post day! One was a weekend recap, and the other was a post of what I've been Primed lately

On Tuesday, I shared some unpopular opinions that I have. It was quite controversial, and I'm hoping we can all still be friends. 

Wednesday was all about how I stay cozy at home all winter long

Thursday was a weekly Thankful Thursday link party that I host that stays open for six days. It's not too late to join! 

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear! You should pop by here again tomorrow, I will have a bonus post this week! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I hope Todd makes it home safely! And that he has no more accidents even though the one he had was minor. Beautiful sunset! How fun that you got to have dinner with Marilyn... I can imagine what a good time you guys had. Have a great weekend!

  2. So sorry about Todd! Glad it wasn't worse! I am pretty sure Chloe is your dog now! She loves you so much! She seems so sweet!

  3. So glad Todd is ok- so scary! That sunrise is just gorgeous as is your pink cup :) Have a wonderful weekend friend XO

  4. I’m glad Todd is okay! I love that pink cup. I got my daughter one that same color for Christmas! I love Mexican food, too, but I don’t go eat it nearly enough!

  5. Thank you, Maria! We had so much fun laughing and catching up. I hope we can be better at doing that kind of thing more often in 2024. That's a goal, anyway. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  6. Thank you, Amy! I am so glad he was able to catch himself. It still knocked the breath out of him, and the rest of him looks terrible, but I am thankful it wasn't any worse. She does love me! She's really sweet and slightly terrible, but she loves her daddy even more than she loves me! She cries and whimpers when he gets home everyday and she takes him all of her toys. It's the cutest thing!

  7. I am too, Holly! It could have been so much worse! Thanks for that, friend, I hope yours is great as well!

  8. Oh my goodness, your poor man, and that fall, I’m just glad it wasn’t any worse than that! I love your pink cup! It’s perfect as we head towards Valentine’s Day, too! I love that Sunrise I feel like they don’t get as much recognition as sunsets but I love that I can see the sunrise from my front porch. It just gets your day. Started sweetly! Happy weekend!

  9. Thank you, Megan! I am so glad for that too. I am hoping he's okay today, as the soreness will be kicking in. I love this pink cup! It's so much fun. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  10. I am thankful for that too, Andrea! It could have been so much worse, you are right! I love the pink cup and the brightness of it. It's so much fun! I love sunrises too! I get to see those more often, because of how my house is positioned. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  11. I'm so glad Todd was ok...what a scare! Chloe is just the cutest, and the picture of Oakley made me laugh. I also wrote about Chatbooks today...ha, ha. They make it so easy to make the books. I'm kind of stuck with shutterfly for my annual book since I want to keep them all looking the same on my shelf! Have a great weekend!

  12. So glad Todd was ok! And I just love your cozy post. I am so very much the same. At home days are the best, but even better in the cozy winter months! Have a cozy weekend, my friend!

  13. Thank you, Tanya! It was scary for me...I can't imagine how he must have felt. He is fine, though, which is amazing! We sure do love our pups. They are so rotten! That's funny that you talked about Chatbooks on your blog this same day. Great minds think alike!

  14. Thank you, Billie Jo! I wholeheartedly agree; I am a stay at home cozy person all year long, but it's pure magic in the winter. And, as I write this, it's snowing, which is even better!


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

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