Saturday, June 29, 2024

Share 4 Somethings: the June 2024 edition


Hello, sweet friends! I hope you're having a great weekend!

Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'll jump in!


I loved the pool days and the beach day that I've had this month! I'm in Destin at the beach, as I write.


I disliked some of the emotions the month brought. 


I accomplished some more cleaning out! On Monday of this week, I tackled some more spaces in my bedroom; I cleaned out my lingerie chest, my nightstand, and some paper clutter downstairs.

Improved upon/Needs improvement

I improved upon my morning routine again, and it's seriously the best part of my day every morning. I'm so thankful for my Jesus! Do you know Him? If not, what are you waiting for? If you ever want to talk more, comment here or email me at Life isn't ever perfect or easy, my friends, but even in the darkest of times, He makes it easier. Like I always say, life is hard, even with Jesus; without Him, it'd be impossible.


I noticed, once again, that I am strong and I can do hard things. I've noticed, once again, that my family and friends are everything right now. I'm so grateful for them! 

I am so glad you're here to link up with me today, and will get around to reading your posts when I'm back on my blog regularly. For now, I'm having to let something go, and this was the first thing that came to mind; though I'm not going away entirely. I still plan on being here for all the monthly link-ups, and you'll see me from time to time, including this coming Wednesday July 3rd for the Currently link-up. (In July we're talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, savoring, celebrating, and remembering.)I will eventually get back to posting regularly, but my life is a bit of a mess right now, so I'd love your prayers and lots of grace. Thank you for being here and for always encouraging me, friends. Love to all.

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  1. Oh I hope you are enjoying time at the beach and getting to relax and refresh!

    1. Thank you! It's been restorative. I'm so grateful!

  2. I will say a prayer for you and do not stress about blogging right now. That sand and water on the Florida panhandle is some of the prettiest I've seen. I hope that your trip is restorative.

    1. Thank you! I'm not stressing about it at all, and thank you for that reminder. You are right, it's the most gorgeous I've seen, and I've seen some pretty fabulous places. It has been a wonderful time of rest.

  3. Enjoy your time away physically at the beach and mentally from writing/ posting five days a week. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to catching up with you when the time is right for you :).

    1. Thank you! I'm enjoying my break, but I also do still miss writing, so I may come back sooner than I'd thought. It helps me to process all the things!

  4. I hope the beach is helping to heal your hurts; it's a great place to go when life becomes a bit much. The waves and sand of the panhandle have brought me solace many a time. Thanks for publishing the linkup for us even on vacation!

    1. Thank you so much! You are so right. I'm glad to do these link ups! They're some of my favorite blog posts, and I love the blogging community.

  5. Love the photos from the beach, have a lovely time!

  6. Sending positive thought your way. Take your time and I’ll enjoy reading when you get back. Enjoy the beach!
    Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I'm so glad you joined us here this month.

  7. Thinking of you and praying for rest and peace.

  8. Ohh! That beach looks amazing! I hope you are having a lovely trip.
    I don't usually turn to Jesus or anything or anyone like that but I've had a tough week and I was praying for things to be alright again. I wouldn't say I was talking to Jesus but in my head I was talking to anyone who would listen. Thankfully things are better now. After this week I feel the same that I am stronger than I thought I was and family is everything! Sending love and hugs to you.

    1. It's beautiful in a way that is beyond words. I sat out there for hours yesterday reading, listening, and watching. It lulled me to sleep at one point, and it was amazing. I don't always feel Jesus near, but I do when I see His beautiful creation. I appreciate you sharing that with me, Kim. I'm glad that you were able to sort things out as you talked in your head. I do turn to Jesus continually for everything, both terrible and great, and I can't imagine not having Him there to cry out to. If you ever want to talk more about that, please feel free to email me at I certainly don't know everything there is to know, but I love sharing about how my relationship with Jesus works. He is my everything! But also, so are my family and friends. I've leaned very heavily on my sons this week, and I've never been so grateful to have them to lean on. I will be praying for you, my friend. Email me if you want to talk, seriously. I'd love to chat more. Much love to you, sweet friend.

  9. Yay for beach and pool days! I am headed to my sister's house in TN in a few days and I am SO excited for some pool days! I am sorry you are having a rough time, but we can only do so much, and I am glad you are giving yourself grace to do the priorities right now. I hope and pray that things are better for you soon. Sending virtual hugs.

  10. Oh the ocean looks like heaven- so glad you get to enjoy this beauty! XO

  11. I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now - your beach shots make me jealous tho! Esp the first one with the white sand and blue umbrellas! Lovely. I hope you are coping and feel on top of those emotions by the time you read this (so sorry for my tardy commenting). Here's to a better month, and I've noted the new prompts.

  12. I love the beach photos! And I totally understand the need to take some time out from blogging sometimes. I'm just trying to get back into it after needing to take a step back the last few months. Praying that you get the rest you need and that you are able to work through the difficulties you are facing.

  13. Oh, those beach pictures!!! Gorgeous!! I understand needing to take a break and I hope and pray that all is well as you rest and look after yourself. Glad your family is so supportive!

  14. Oh my, the beach sounds amazing. Sending rest and relaxation prayers your way.


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