Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Hi, friends! It felt good to be here yesterday, so I thought I'd come back today for my typical Thursday post. 

I'm making my post all about the body of believers, or the body of Christ. Never in all of my life have I been so thankful for a group of people! I am also thankful for my family, which almost goes without saying, except that I need to say those words. They've been there to support me in any way that I needed, and I am so grateful for them all, even on the days when I cannot talk on the phone. I know they're all just one call away, and just knowing that does wonders for me. 

The body of Christ is something on an entirely different level, though. First, they don't have to love you because of blood lines; they choose to love you as their brother/sister in Christ. They've been there for me to pray, cry on, vent to, lean on, and look to for wisdom. They've come alongside me and counseled me, they've fed my boys and me, they've prayed for me, they've hugged me, they've given me gifts, and they've offered me copious amounts of encouragement. 

My best friends are the kind of best friends I want to be, and they've just shown up in my life. One took me to a doctor's appointment before I left for the beach, and the other one has been feeding us and texting my boys almost daily. Those are the friends that we need; not the ones who ask, but the ones who just show up. I mention that, because I think friendship is something vitally important in life. I know I also need to be inspired in how to be a good friend, and I've had living examples of this in my life since June 23rd. (June 22nd is when my world came crashing down around me.) 

I didn't choose to be where I am in life right now, but it's where I've found myself, and I can honestly say that I've seen the goodness and the faithfulness of my Almighty God. He's loved me through others, He's been near to me when I've cried out to Him, and I feel Him leading me step by step everyday. My dad would love to know this, by the way...and speaking of him, we are laying him to rest today. I've got a whole myriad of reasons why I need your prayers today, but I specifically need prayers for kindness, a Christ honoring attitude, and supernatural strength. I expect it to be a day. Thanks in advance, and love to all. (I may come back tomorrow!)


  1. Oh Jen, I will be thinking of your and your family today as you lay your father to rest today.

  2. You will be in my prayers today. I will be a long day and it will be not only physically draining but emotionally draining. I hope that you continue to feel and see evidence of God's love for you through your people.
    I'm so glad you wrote today and friendship has been on my mind this summer so I love this post.

  3. Praying for you today. Sometimes it’s one day at a time, sometimes one hour, today it might need to be minute-by-minute. Glad you not only have people physically surrounding you with love and prayers but an entire community who you don’t personally know but we know your heart through your words. Peace to you.

  4. I´m thankful that you continue to glorify God in a time of deep distress and personal hardship. I pray for God´s peace and comfort to be a companion to you today and in the days ahead by way of your incredible sisters in Christ. Will be thinking of and praying for you today.

  5. Giving God the glory while in the trenches is so up lifting to me. He is your ROCK. Love

  6. Sending you strength and love today XO

  7. I am so, so thankful for your friendship!!! Let's go have a yogurt date soon!

  8. Is your husband okay?

  9. The family of God is truly a wonderful thing and as I am part of that family that makes me your sister. And as such, I will be praying for you and your boys in this hard season. Also, laying your father to rest is a heart breaking thing and I’m so glad you have the testimony of his faith so you can rest knowing where he is and that you will be with him again some day. Much love and prayers for you today.

    1. The above comment is mine. I posted it from my phone and I wasn't logged in. Praying for you.

  10. Sending big hugs and prayers from Waco. “May the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:7

  11. Praying for your family today. I know it will be a tough day.


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