Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hi, friends! I thought I'd join in with Joyce today for the Wednesday hodgepodge. 

1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. I think that most days I feel younger than my age. I don't know if that's the case lately, but I enjoy that feeling of my younger years. 

This was the night we were whistled at while we were on vacation. 🤣

2. What's one thing you should toss right now but just can't? Honestly? Nothing. I've done some major cleaning out this summer! Every time I turn around, I'm tossing more things that need to go. 

3. Have you visited many of the national parks? Do you have a favorite? What's one that you'd love to see? I've been to Hot Springs in Arkansas, Haleakala in Hawaii, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, Gateway Arch in Missouri, Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina and Tennessee, and Virgin Islands. (That's more than I'd have guessed! I'd love to see more of these parks. Here's a list of them by state:

4. How often do you get takeout? What's your favorite? I recently had pizza delivered for me and the boys. I think my favorite is either the cheese pizza that we love from Lost Pizza, or Chinese. 

5. Do you have any subscriptions? I subscribe to Architectural Digest, and to certain products on Amazon: mousse, shampoo/conditioner, water enhancer, dog treats.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing again, because I miss being here! I'd also love your continued prayers for me and my sons. Thank you!

Love to all. 


  1. I often feel younger than I am too (especially this week as I turned a year older and realize I am getting closer and closer to 50). I have copied that exact same National Parks list and I have a post started on my blogger page about the National Parks we've visited. Since I've only made it a goal to visit (most of them) recently we've only crossed a few off so far-- Acadia, Smoky Mountain, Badlands, and Shenandoah but we hope to cross 2 more off on our Hawaii trip and I've got plans in the works to cross off several of the Florida parks too.

    1. I feel you on the getting closer to 50! I honestly didn't realize that the places I'd visited were actual national parks. I thought it was cool that I've been to a few, not having realized that! Thank you so much for the beautiful card that I received today!

  2. I'm so glad you participated. I can tell you are enjoying writing again and I have to think it's going to get better. You are in my prayers each day.

    1. I am too! I'm trying to get there; I love to write, and I really miss when I don't do that. I'm trying to be present and sit in all of my feelings, so I've been using my journal a lot recently, but I still feel like something big is missing. I'll be back tomorrow as well!

  3. We have been to a few of the same national parks. I have not been to Hawaii or the VI so I have not been to those. Glad to see you are writing/posting again. I really like the questions each week that Joyce provides. They are interesting to think about, write about, and read others´ responses to. And it doesn´t take long for me to come up with a postt! What more can slow writer ask for, lol? But back to you- I am glad you´re back and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. It feels good to be here! I've missed the writing part, so I'm trying to force myself to come here more often again. This is a huge part of what brings me joy, and I need all of the joy I can get! Thank you so much, my friend. I agree with these posts each week! I love the thought provoking questions.

  4. So nice to see you here. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. Pizza delivery is pretty much the only take out I miss. Hope you have a good day.

    1. It feels great to be here! Thanks for the link party inspiration. I sat in front of the computer for an hour last night trying to think of what to write about, and then I found your post from Tuesday and took advantage. So thank you! And also for the prayers and thoughts.

  5. Didn't think I had any subscriptions until you mentioned Amazon- eek! Ummm yes....use it WAY TOO MUCH...ha! ;)

    1. You made me smile really big when I read your comment!

  6. So glad you joined in the Hodgepodge today, keeping you in my prayers.

    1. Me too, Pamela. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

  7. I feel much younger than I am, mostly. Some days I wake up after sleeping funny and feel like an old woman. lol
    So nice to see you blogging. Sending love and hugs. x

    1. Kim, SAME! 🤣 Thank you for the smile and the laughter you brought me today. It was much needed! Thank you, my friend!

  8. Praying for you and your boys.

  9. Big fan of your blog from Waco! Your writing is so genuine and inspirational. Praying better days lie ahead for your family!

    1. Thank you, Diane! I also appreciate the prayers. I can feel them, because I know and often sense that the Lord is near; His word says that, that He is close to the brokenhearted. I hope to see you back here soon!

  10. That picture of y'all is so cute! We get architectural digest at our house too! (it is acutally for Brook :)). I know writing is helpful to you. I hope it is a good day!

    1. Thanks, friend! That doesn't surprise me that Brooke gets that. I got it on one of those super inexpensive deals they had not too long ago. It is helpful! I'm trying to come back around again. Today is better than yesterday! Progress.

  11. Nice to see you here. You look young and beautiful. Happy Hodgepodge to you. I'm unaware of what y'all need prayer for but God knows and I'm lifting you and your sons up to Him. Take care...

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Thank you for the kind words and thoughts, friend.

  12. I'm so sorry you lost your Dad. My own Dad is 87 and all of us (including him) are aware that time is short. I'm glad you spent regular time with him, you will treasure it always - and it's so good for your boys to see your love and care for him. Sending prayers for comfort and strength for the coming days. Anita in Charleston

  13. You definitely look and act younger than your age. I missed you the days you didn't blog! Hang in there, friend.

  14. Haha..oh to be whistled at again...even when I feel like I look good, I don't know, I just don't think I'd get a whistle...own worst critic here. Enjoyed your answers, and will be praying for you and your boys. I just looked at one of your other blog posts and saw you were doing the Untangle your emotions...I'm doing an online group with a HS classmate and others from her church. She's on the east coast and I thought it would be a fun way to reconnect. I haven't been able to "attend" many of them because of other obligations, but it's been fun. It's the second book I've done with them.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...