Tuesday, July 9, 2024

beach trip 2024


Hi, friends! I'm still not up for blogging much, but I wanted to share about my trip to Florida a week and a half ago. Happy reading!

My friend Dedee has a house in Destin, and she's always so gracious to invite me to go with her. I've been when there were three of us, five of us, four of us, and the last two times it's just been the two of us. Those times are my favorite, especially this time! With the events that are going on in my life right now (in addition to my dad dying), I was in need of some one on one girlfriend time, and for four full days, she poured godly wisdom into me. I've never been so thankful for her friendship in all of my life, because while I left home feeling distraught and broken, I came home still feeling distraught, but also hopeful. I'll tell more of the story someday, but it'll be a long time before I can talk about it here. 

So, on Thursday morning, I drove to her house, we loaded the car, along with her sweet husband who helped us, then we left. Eight hours later, we arrived! We made three stops this time, then we unpacked and settled in for our time there. We had Mexican food the first night, since it's just right down the street from her house. 

I was falling asleep by eight thirty the first night we were there, so I went to bed and slept in until about six thirty the next morning. We travel well together, because we both like to go to bed early and are early risers. She would get up and walk her dog, and I'd stay there and have my quiet time. It was a nice view, right?

I always take my own food when I travel, so I'd drink my breakfast and lunch, we would snack if we were hungry, and then we'd go back in to get ready and eat dinner early, because it's Destin in the summer. On the first day, we sat out on the beach all day long. It was heavenly! We decided to walk on the beach at one point, so we walked down to this rock jetty. At the jetty, you turn and go right down to another part of the beach to this lagoon area that we swam in. It felt amazing! Because of the way it's bordered on three sides, waves and sharks don't enter into that part of the water. Also, let it be known that I haven't swam in the ocean since I was eighteen years old. I could have stayed there all day!

That night we had dinner at The Marina Cafe. If you're there at five, you can get a table at the bar, and you have access to the less expensive bar menu. I had blackened shrimp tacos and that amazing slice of vanilla key lime cheesecake to top it off. It was incredible!

The second day was more of the same: up early, quiet time, packed my beach bag, sat on the beach all day. I alternated between reading my book and listening to an Audible book. I can only read/listen to certain things right now, so I was having to pick and choose. We went in at three, I showered and dressed, then we went to Harbor Docks for dinner. I had blackened grouper, which was as amazing as any other thing I'd eaten all week. After dinner we went to the Destin Commons and saw Inside Out 2. It was so good! 

I went to bed early again on Saturday, and when I woke up on Sunday, I knew it would be an easy day. The plan was to go to the beach for as long as the rain held off, then we'd planned to order pizza for dinner that night and pack to get ready to leave early the next morning. I woke up with a little bit of urgency to start getting things ready to leave the next day, so I actually went ahead and started packing before I even went downstairs that day. 

In a strange turn of events, that afternoon Graham called to tell me that I needed to come home immediately because of my dad. I was working on getting a flight out, but we ended up leaving less than an hour after we heard from him. I've never moved so fast in all of my life, and I was grateful that Dedee was willing to drive home that night. While she showered and packed, I cleaned and shut down the house for her, then took all our stuff downstairs. We were on the road by five thirty, made it home by one thirty a.m. Monday morning. I drove home, then rode to the hospital with Graham and Drew. (Graham was driving my car.) I'm glad I made it back home in time to see my dad a little more before he passed away on Tuesday morning, and though my trip ended in a mad dash, I'm so glad I had a few days away to start the healing process of my heart. I'm nowhere near there yet, by the way, but that was a great start to the days/weeks/months ahead. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends, and for your many prayers over my sons and me. Words can't express my gratitude. Love to all!

(I'm linking up with Joanne today for this blog post.)


  1. I´m glad you got to spend some time at the beach with a good friend. Even though the trip was fraught with emotion both before and after, it sounds restorative in many ways. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Great to ¨hear¨ from you :).

    1. Thank you so much, especially for the prayers. I keep wanting to be here to write, but I don't have many words for the time being. I know it'll change again someday, I just don't know when. Looking at these pictures just makes me want to go back there! It's easier being away than at home right now.

  2. Beautiful photos, sand and surf is so relaxing. I'm sorry that your trip ended on such a low note but glad you were able to get back in time to see your dad.

    1. Thank you, Pamela; you are right about the sand and surf. I am so glad we made the drive that night instead of waiting!

  3. Destin is beautiful but so popular. I've been to Destin Commons, but I don't think any of those restaurants. Her house is gorgeous and the photos you shared make me want to be there right now.
    I am so happy you had the perfect short trip with such a wonderful friend. I hate that it ended in a mad dash and I wonder if that sense of urgency was from God so that you were almost ready and it all worked out. I don't think that timing is a coincidence.
    This is so hard to talk about and write about. I hope that you feel the love and support through the comments today.

    1. It is, on both accounts! If you ever go back, now you'll know two places to try. The Marina Cafe is my favorite, because of the views. I am like you, and I don't believe in consequences; that timing is just too perfect for how I woke up that morning. Another interesting thing is that I talked a lot about my dad dying that day. I'd shared with her a couple of dreams that I'd had that made me wonder if he'd passed away through the night. I'm glad Graham called me to tell me to come on home right away. I'll never unhear his voice in that phone call! I've never seen my boys cry like they have in the last couple of weeks; it's hard for a mom to witness. Thank you for that! I do and I've been reading comments, I just don't have it in me to comment back most days. I hope people stick around for when some of this passes, because I do hope to write a lot again someday.

  4. It was delightful to "come along" on this trip via your beautiful photos! So sorry to hear about your dad. Visiting from Talking About it Tuesdays.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by to comment. I hope you come back soon; I'm hoping to write again more soon.

  5. It sounds like your trip to the beach came at the right time. You have an amazing friend, I am so glad she was there to make things a little easier.
    Thinking of you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Kim! It was definitely a perfectly timed trip.

  6. Oh my word does this trip look like perfection??? The water- the sand- the food- the fun- YES PLEASE- so glad you enjoyed! XO

  7. I am so sorry that you are in a valley right now, but praying that God's loving hands will carry you out of it in His time and you will be stronger than ever. I miss your consistent wonderful posts that are always so inspiring.

  8. These pictures are beautiful and the scenery is so peaceful. I love looking out at the endless ocean and it just reminds me of God's love for us. So thankful you got away and had a moment of quiet to reflect, pray and be with a friend. How fun you enjoyed getting in the water too! So proud of you for doing something you don't normally do. Also, the key lime cheese cake looks delicious!

  9. I love that too, Marilyn! I always think of the same thing when I see the vast ocean. Thanks for your sweet words!

  10. What a beautiful beach and house. I'm so glad you were able to get home so quickly.


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...