Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond today. I'll jump right in.

1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? Grocery shopping! It's the same week in, week out. I get in ruts with this and always ask my sons for ideas, but they never seem to have any. 

2. Without mentioning anything tech-y, what's your most prized possession? My Bibles, books, and collection of cards and word gifts that my sons have gifted me over the years. 

3. It's national peach day. Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? What is your preference; in a desert or just a peach by itself? I would love a peach! I'll participate if I can have one, but otherwise, nah. I do like peaches in desserts, but I really love a fresh summer peach, the drippier the better. 

4. What makes a friendship successful? I've experienced this so many times over the last few weeks, and that is the gift of showing up. My people have been repeatedly showing up for me for four weeks now, and I couldn't be more thankful. 

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little this or that. Beach or pool? Ice cream or snow cone? Amusement park or camping? Burger or hot dog? Watermelon or strawberries? Stay up late or wake up early? Sunrise or sunset? I love the beach and I love a pool! I'll say pool, though, since I'm more likely to get in one more more often. I prefer ice cream over snow cones. I'll pass on both amusement parks and camping, unless it's in a cozy cabin on a lake. I love burgers! I haven't had one in a while. I definitely prefer strawberries, but the dogs prefer watermelon. 🤣 Waking up early is what I do, so sunrises are my favorite! 

I hope to see you back here tomorrow! Love to all. 


  1. I love fresh peaches too and keep checking to see when we can go pick at our local orchard! It should be in another week or two... I love beaches and pools too! In fact other than amusement parks which I do love we have all the same favorites. Though I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite between sunrise and sunset. I love all the pretty colors of the sky.

    1. I almost said the same thing about sunrises and sunsets! I love all the glorious colors that God paints the sky with. It's always breathtaking!

  2. I agree with all of your answers except I can enjoy camping and an amusement park - but it's been a while. And, yes the grocery is so relatable. I feel like I have lost all memory of what I can make for dinner. I do have a Walmart delivery coming this am, so I am excited to not have to actually do the shopping this week. Sometimes I feel that if I just do a theme or a cuisine it helps - Italian, Mexican, Asian, American - lol

    1. Well, as we know, I used to love camping, but that involves a part of my life that I am giving up, so that is why I said what I did. I'm petty sometimes. 🤣 I agree about the meals! I hope I can remember how to cook when the meals end. Ha!

  3. We have a lot of the same answers for this and that for sure! I love peaches too but celebrating this day is going overboard right? Ha!

    1. That's funny, Holly, but it also doesn't surprise me. I do think it's a wee bit overboard, yes! 🤣

  4. I'm with you on the grocery shopping. I was trying to fall asleep last night and couldn't stop panicking about what the heck to make for dinner tonight and when I would get to the store!

  5. Grocery shopping has certainly lost its appeal. I used to really enjoy the bi-weekly trips to the store - even when the kids were older and we would all go as a family. Now, not so much - but my husband really enjoys it so that works! What a blessing to have friends that have shown up....and just when you need them!

    1. I used to love grocery shopping! Now, though? Not so much. You are so right!

  6. So happy to see you here and even better, yesterday in person. I am thankful for your friendship!

    1. Yesterday was the BEST! I'm glad you got to stop by and were able to meet some of my guys. They flew through the yardwork with that zero turn mower!

  7. Great answers! Yes, showing up is so important, not just with friends but anytime someone is supposed to be somewhere as well.

  8. I live in SC which actually produces more peaches than Georgia, yet they called dibs on being 'the peach state'. Yes, friends show up. They inconvenience themselves and go out of their way when there is a need to be met. I enjoy looking at the ocean, but am not as big a fan of all that sand as I used to be. Have a nice day!

    1. I didn't realize that about SC! You are so right about friends, AND the sand. I'm not a huge fan of that either, though I certainly enjoyed it in June.

  9. I really dislike grocery shopping. That's the biggest reason I do online ordering and pickup.

    I didn't realize that it was National Peach Day. I had peach yogurt for lunch. A total coincidence.

    I love both sunrises and sunsets. It's amazing to view God's handiwork. I always wonder with as many colors as we're able to see - how many more must there be that our eyes can't even see!

    1. I also do online ordering and pickup/delivery! For the same reason. I feel the same about God's painting the sky with glorious colors!

  10. Lately my son has been doing the grocery shopping! I broke my ankle and can't do it myself, but he actually seems ok with doing it!

    1. Well that is so nice of him! And how awesome that he has discovered that it's enjoyable for him. I think it's good for our kids (grown and little) to have ownership in certain situations. I hope you recover quickly!

  11. Hello Jennifer, I enjoyed reading your answers. That is encouraging that your friends are showing up and being there for you! Hope your week ends well.

    1. Thank you, Ellen! It's such a sweet thing for me right now, this gift of family and friendship. I don't take it for granted and thank God for them all!

  12. You're so right - grocery shopping is harder than it should be! For me, meal planning and prep is harder than it should be too. I'm glad your friends have been showing up for you - what a blessing faithful friends are! Have a great week!

    1. I totally get that! I feel that way sometimes when I'm doing the cooking. Thanks, my friend; I hope the same for you!


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