Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10

I had the thought today that I am thankful for many things this morning.  (Well, it's not quite morning, anymore.)  As I was driving down Poplar Avenue at 8:45 this morning, I realized how thankful I am for our car.  Truck.  Giant kid-hauler.  Whatever you want to call it. 

I am thankful for our furry kids.  ;)  They bring us such joy, and while I get tired of the hairy floors, the muddy paw prints, the constant going outside, cleaning of the litter boxes, barking, chasing, hissing, I do love them.  Before Todd and I even got married, we already had our first pet.  He was a giant cat named Milo.  We had him until we moved to Collierville, to a little rental house.  We had to give him away because we couldn't have pets. 

Over the years we've had Milo, Sambo (our black cat who died), Skippy (Sambo's sister), Caramel and Sundae (guinea pigs), the beta fish that we gave to my mom-in-law that eventually committed suicide (he jumped out of the bowl and died), Andy, Twinkles, Crash and Buddy the leopard gecko.  And a partridge in a pear tree.

Are you exhausted just thinking about all of that?  I am. 

I'm also thankful for my marriage.  Marriage is such a beautiful, intimate thing.  It's sacred.  Todd knows things about me that I wouldn't dare tell anyone else.  The same rings true for him with me.  He is my very best friend, the only one I tell everything to.  He knows my dreams, my disappointments, my sorrows and what brings me joy.  He has my back one hundred and ninety percent.  He is the one who stands by me, no matter what.  I pray that he can say the same about me. 

Being married is a constant challenge/joy/dance.  The longer we're married, I realize that my greatest desire is for him to be happy.  It used to be more about me and my feelings...not that it can't still be that way every once in a while, but I really try to put him before myself.  I've learned that when I make him happy, he makes me happy.  And when he makes me happy, I make him happy.  That's the dance part I wrote of.  I love him more with each minute I have with him, and though neither of us are perfect, we are perfectly suited for one another. 

He's my lobster.  ;)

Do any of you know what I'm talking about when I say that? 

Love to all. 

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