Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I woke up extra early this morning, so that I would have plenty of time to shower and make lunches for Jonah and Noah.  We're going to pick up their friend Ben, and then we're heading to the Brinkley Heights area in Memphis to serve lunch to the ones there ministering this week.  I can't wait!  We'll be going by both the sites too, just to see what they're up to.  :)

I am taking Jonah and Noah (and their friend), because they know how to work.  They might (or might not) get to play with the kids attending the Bible clubs, but the reason I'm taking them is so they can know and understand that life is not about us.

I've started praying that He would allow us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  That He would make beautiful the feet of those who go and take the good news to others.  (Romans 10:15 says, "And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”)

I pray that today God uses us to do just that.  Even though all we'll be doing is serving lunch, I pray that we do it with a smile and a good attitude, and that others see Him in us.

This is what life is all about...not about us, but about us pouring ourselves as a love offering unto the Lord.  For others.  I pray that He allows us to love them with our actions.  And maybe with our words, too.  I don't know how much time we'll get with them, but we'll take whatever we can get.  

Would you mind praying for our team that's there from our church?  It is really hot this week, with temps in the mid to high nineties.  I think the hottest day will be on Thursday, though, so please pray that nobody gets dehydrated or sick.  Or sunburned.  I think they're trying to stay in the shade as much as possible, but they're outside.  But more importantly, please pray that they will make an impact in the lives of these kids this week.  I talked with my friend Lori yesterday, and she said the entire day had been the most emotional day.  The majority of the kids who came yesterday had no mom or dad and they had no food in their homes.  

It makes me cry just typing that.  We have such an abundance of food that I can hardly wrap my mind around that statement.  This meal that we'll be serving today is super important, because most likely, it will be the only meal they get today.  I am so happy that we had tons of money donated to us, and there is enough food for each little one to have two sandwiches if they want, along with a bag of chips and a Little Debbie snack cake.  And lemonade.  

Please pray for these precious little ones...that their stomachs will be full when they leave, but also that their sweet little hearts will be full.  May they see Him in them...and in us today.  

Thanks.  Love to all.  

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