Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our last day of Colonial Williamsburg

We toured the historical town alone today.  Papa started his morning at the urgent care clinic~praise God nothing is majorly wrong with his foot, but for a bit, we thought it was broken.  Turns out, it's something similar to shin splints.  He was instructed to alternate ice and heat and given a painkiller to help deal with the pain.  Hopefully tomorrow, he'll be good as new.

We started our day at the Governor's palace.

The troops stormed the palace.  The story is that they were mad because he insisted that all their weapons be taken away from them.  Hmmm...sound familiar?

Look at him, pointing to me as if to say, "I'm with crazy."  Whatever!  ;)  Goofy.  We laughed our heads off today over several things~this was just one time of many.

We dined at Chowning's Tavern.  We ate by candlelight...I love this picture of Noah working on a crossword puzzle.

After lunch, the boys participated in something called The Life of a Soldier.  They marched around town and witnessed a canon being fired.  Pretty cool!

I sat under the lovely shade of this tree.  Thank You, Lord, for shade!  It was a pretty humid day...we were so sweaty by three o'clock!

While I waited on them to return to me, I walked around and took some pictures.  I love old fences.  And the picture of the courthouse in the distance is so pretty!

Proof of how hot we were.  Except for Todd.  I swear, he never sweats.  Turns out I sweat a ridiculous amount.  My face gets SO HOT.  And turns three shades of purple...it's kind of embarrassing!

It was another wonderful day.  On tomorrow's agenda is Jamestown!  I can't wait to see the replicas of the ship the early explorers came over on.  I'll post again tomorrow night.  Love to all!

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