Friday, October 10, 2014

something to look forward to

I hesitate to write posts like this, because they can come across morbid.  I'm going to write it anyway.  :)

Today was a really emotional afternoon for me.  I wish I could tell you the reason, except that I don't know the reason.  I'm chalking it up to hormones.  

If you know me at all, you know that my dad spends every single Friday with us, unless one of us is out of town.  I consider this such a blessing, because he is like living history for my boys.  There have been many days that he has told them about life when he was a boy, and yes...I consider that a history lesson.  By the greatest teacher ever.  :)  

The older I get, the faster the weeks go, and we've taken to saying, "It's almost Friday!", during the week via text messaging.  Yes, he's eighty-three and he can text like nobody's business.  Except that I'm pretty sure he thinks LOL means "lots of love".  We'll go with that.

Today when I saw him, I was so grateful to have made it to yet another Friday.  Our afternoons fly by.  We always go somewhere to eat, then we usually come back to my house and solve all the world's problems until four, when it's time for him to go home.  

Today when he was leaving, I hugged him twice before letting him out the door.  Then it dawned on me that I forgot to tell the boys that he was leaving, so when I called for them to come say goodbye, they all ran out the door.  Even Alex, who was with us today.  

When I took this picture, I had big ole crocodile tears running down my face.  I was just so overcome with emotion that I couldn't stop them.  I loved that the boys ran out to hug him, that they are always so willing to show affection, no matter their age.  

And I was struck with the reminder that we should never take one single day for granted.  We should never forget to say "goodbye", or "I love you".  None of us ever know when we will breathe our last breath on this earth and step into our forever.  

I know there is a Heaven...I don't need a book or a movie or a dream to reassure me of it.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a place called Heaven.  I know that no matter how amazing our greatest day on earth is, it pales in comparison to what Heaven will be like.  There will be streets of gold (Revelation 21:21) and a glassy sea (Revelation 15:2) and there will be no need for any light, because it will be provided by the Lord Himself (Revelation 22:5).  

And somewhere in all that awesomeness, we will see our loved ones again.  Never again will we have to utter a "goodbye", never again will we be separated from those we love most.  

I think that's what got me today~my aversion of saying "goodbye".  It doesn't matter if it's for a year or for a week, I do not love saying that word.  

I am full of hope that as great as my life is, it's nothing compared to what my forever will be.  

Have you thought about that?  Where will you spend eternity?  

If you want to talk, reach out to me.  I would love to share with you this hope I have deep within me.  

Love to all.  

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