Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Favorites

I'm excited about and dreading this day for a couple of reasons~one, it's Friday, and this is D-Now weekend!  My dad will be here soon to whisk us all away to lunch.  Two, because he may not make it!  It totally depends on what the weather is doing at the moment.  More wintry mix is headed our way at about that same time.  I'm also wondering if D-Now will be postponed until tomorrow morning.  I REALLY hope that doesn't happen.  I will have some disappointed kiddos on my hands if it does.

All of that being said, it's still Friday and that means:

I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

I've had lots of favorite moments from this week, and a lot of them I talked about yesterday.  I'll try to not repeat myself, though.

I loved having all of my family home for two whole days in a row this week.  On Sunday night, Todd worked with the sheriff's department and ended up staying out all night.  He got home around nine that next morning and though he said he wasn't going to go to sleep, I caught him doing just that.  If you're reading this Todd, please don't be mad at me for this picture.

Crash kept him warm and comfy while he napped.  Two of my favorites from this week.  

Another favorite moment from this week was the fact that my kids finally (FINALLY!) got to sled on some ice/snow!  It's been at least two years since that has happened.  This was my excited face as I pulled on long, warm socks to keep my legs from freezing.

And though I loved all the outdoor activity going on, it created loads and loads of extra laundry, which I don't necessarily love...but I don't mind it, either.  I found this image on Instagram yesterday and loved it!

That's one of my favorite Bible verses.  

Yesterday was back to school for us.  In between subjects, the boys found one of their favorite shows on Discovery that they watched for a couple of hours.  Lone Target.  We are totally not above using Netflix for homeschooling, too.  We watch documentaries all the time.

Another favorite from this week was a text that my friend Abbey and I shared.  Here's the picture I sent her in the text.

She and I both have this thing for crazy socks.  I showed her mine and she sent back a text showing me hers.  I knew she had them on, too, which is reason number three hundred and eighty seven why I love her.

I love my living room view~it's especially a favorite of mine when I have ice or snow to look at through the French doors leading into my backyard.  Check out these icicles!

I saw another couple of images on Instagram that I loved and saved to my phone, because I am a nerd and I do things like that all the time.  I really love the one that says 'paid in full'.

A favorite moment from yesterday was when Graham decided to make sausage balls and fudge pie.

Both were delicious.  The pie is still left, but the sausage balls were devoured in minutes.

These boys eat me out of house and home, in case I haven't said that lately.

You all know that reading is my favorite hobby.  I have read a ton this week!  I finished another book last night, the one I posted about yesterday, Sisterchicks Do The Hula.  That makes the book I started right after that, the tenth book I've started this year.  :)

Well...I think I hear laundry calling me.  And a shower.  Happy Friday to you!  Love to all.


  1. I need that Bible verse in my laundry room!!! What a great reminder!!! Stopping by from Friday Favorites~ enjoy your weekend! XO

  2. Isn't that great, Elaine? Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment! Hope your weekend was wonderful and God bless!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...