Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's Friday again!  Happy day to you!  This week has been a big ole blur, and I'll tell you why.  But first, I am linking up with Momfessionals for this blog post.

One of my favorite moments from the week was Resurrection Sunday.  I love this day so much!  Normally I love the church service that goes with this day, but while I know it was good, I couldn't concentrate because I was too  busy trying not to claw myself to death.  My crazy skin reaction had me going nuts.

I love my five boys so much.  The first and most important one was taking the picture.  :)  I love that we dyed eggs at my mom's house the night before.  It was fun making a memory there and dyeing eggs with my sister.  That's one of our favorite past times.

Another favorite moment was when the rearranging of the room took place.  In moving most of their furniture, their room got a good deep cleaning.

That was on Monday.  Toddley called me that afternoon and asked what I thought about making a quick, one night trip to Franklin to attend his sister-in-law's surprise 40th birthday dinner.  We knew about it and were not planning to go at first, but at the persistence of his brother Tim, we decided to go.  So, on Tuesday morning, we all threw some clothes into some bags, took Crash to the vet to be boarded, loaded up the 'burban and took off.  It worked out well, us going, because Toddley had a job to do in Gallatin, which is about 40 minutes north of Nashville.  The plan was to get to Franklin, check in, let the boys swim and then we would leave for dinner.  This was an adults only party, so the boys went to grab some dinner for them and brought it back to the hotel.  We let Graham drive.  After they ate, they swam some more and then hung out in the lobby until we came back to get them.  Then we went to Tim's and Tracy's house for a little while.  Our youngest nephews were in bed, but they did get to see and play with Nathan, their cousin who is the same age as them.  And their youngest, Zeke, ended up waking up and playing too.  Here are some pictures from our quick trip.

Jonah requested the highest floor of the hotel, and it was six stories.  So guess what floor we were on?  You got it.

While they swam, I read.

This one is Todd's dinner.  He ordered cedar plank grilled salmon and assumed it was just grilled on the plank, but no!  They brought the whole thing out and his meal was a foot and a half long.  We ate dinner at Amerigo.

This last one is Drew with Hank, their dog that they love.  Even though he looks nothing like Crash, his personality is very similar to his.  It looks like he's smiling in this picture.

It was a quick and fun trip, and Tracy was very surprised to see all of us at the restaurant.

Yesterday was our homeschool group day, but Jonah woke up sick in the middle of the night, so we stayed home.  I will admit that though I missed my friends, it was LOVELY getting to stay home and just relax.  I was tired because I didn't sleep at all the night we were at the hotel.

I don't know if Jonah had a 24 hour stomach bug, or if it was just a really bad sinus headache that made him sick, but whatever it was is gone!  He woke up feeling wonderful this morning (his words) and asked me if I minded if he vacuumed the downstairs.  As if.  In this picture above, Jonah slept for three hours.  You know he is ill if he naps during the day.  This kid has sleeping issues and hardly ever sleeps.  Graham drove himself and Drew to school while we were home.  It's hard for them to catch up when they miss, so they needed to be there.

Todd had a maintenance night at the sheriff's department last night, so we ordered pizza and rented a movie from Redbox.  We watched Annie.  While part of me loved it, I was sad that it was so different from the original.  And for some crazy reason, I cried several times during the movie.  Call it me being sentimental or hormonal, but I did.  Graham laughed at me while I kept wiping the tears that were pouring out of my eyes.

Sometimes I cry at really dumb things.  Just a little tidbit about me.

So that was our crazy, whirlwind week.  I am glad today is Friday!  I hope you have a great weekend.  Love to all.

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...