Wednesday, May 13, 2015

life lately

On Friday of last week, my mom-in-love and I went to lunch, and to a nail place to get manicures and pedicures.  I don't often do this, so it was a splurge that I enjoyed very much.  In a very unlike me moment, I chose different colors for my hands and toes.  On my toes is a pretty coral color called My Chihuahua Bites, and on my fingers is this lovely shade of green by Essie whose name I do not know.  It's just now starting to come off, so on my list of things to do today is to re-do my my fingernails.  :)  This was a lovely Mother's day treat.

Also on Mother's day, after church, we went to lunch with our moms.

This was a treat, too!  We went to Booya's, where I ordered a tilapia taco and enjoyed the yummy salsa that I could just about drink.  The line was so long, but it was worth the wait.  I love these two ladies so much.

It's been a pretty low key week around these parts.  School is winding down for us, with all the "big" subjects having been finished already, so we've been just hanging out, trying not to watch television all day.  We've been reading and the boys have cleaned and gone through things and have slept late.  One thing they've enjoyed is being able to stay up late for the Grizzlies games.

While they watch those games, I read.

I finished this book on Monday night.  (Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World.)

Last night I started watching a new show on Netflix.  I'm pretty sure I watched three episodes in bed, which is why I didn't want to wake up this morning.  I would tell you the name, but won't, lest you judge me for it.

I laughed at Andy when he took possession of the antler Crash has been chewing on.  He held it in his mouth and just sat with it that way.  I finally had to take it from him, because his teeth are really brittle, and we've been told to not let him have things like that anymore.

This old guy has some life left in him yet.

That's about all we've been up to this week.  I hope yours is going good!  Love to all.

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