Monday, July 20, 2015

the weekend

I spent time thanking God for the wonderful weekend we was one of the best we've had all summer long, and I didn't want it to go unnoticed as I spent time praying this morning.  I love this verse in James:

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  {James 1.17}

We had some extras over the weekend.  Alex stayed with us all weekend while his aunt and uncle were out of town, and as usual, we loved having him here with us.  He's such a part of us that I miss him when he's gone.  Anyway, what prompted our night out was tennis shoes.  Because they're expensive and because we have a lot of boys, we buy for them two at a time.  Friday night was Drew's and Noah's turn.  And Todd's.  He hasn't had new boots in about a year and a half, and that is the only pair of shoes he wears.  We had dinner at Taco Bell, to get our night started.

Drew is my only child who will always, always pose for my pictures.  It's not that I love him more, I promise, just that he's the only willing participant.

After dinner we decided to go to the new Bass Pro in downtown, Memphis.  I love our city!

Bass Pro closes at ten, and even though we got there at eight, it wasn't enough time.  We decided that we would definitely be going back on a night when we had more time.

You should see all the pictures I have of these two on my phone.  The one where Drew has on a pink cowboy hat is my favorite.

Graham bought a really nice fishing rod and Andrew bought a fishing shirt.  Todd bought some new boots.  And the rest of us just had fun looking at everything, including thinking about a room makeover for Jonah and Noah for Christmas.  They want a camouflage room.

It was an awesome night, one filled with laughs and feelings of blessedness.

On Saturday we stayed close to home.  I got caught up on the Bible study we're doing with the ninth and tenth grade girls in community group.

This is from a page in the book called Dwell.  I don't know how much these girls are enjoying it, but all of us adults are loving it!  I did this in the midst of laundry.  Shortly after I finished catching up, my friend Missy came and got me and we ran a couple of errands together.  We had to go to Lifeway (my favorite!) and then to Costo, then to a pool party.  I got a book from Lifeway for $5 by Lysa TerKeurst, and I got a cheesecake from Costco for the second pool party that day.

The first pool party was to meet our new youth pastor and his family!

This was a youth event, and the parents and siblings were invited to stay and meet them.  I was in the pool, because it was hot!  My friends swam, as well.  I thought, at one point on this afternoon, that it was a little strange to talk to my pastor while in my swimsuit.  But then that made me remember why I so love my church family!  We just do life together.

After this pool party, we had another one to go to, for the technical team and their family members.  It was a busy, but really fun day.

On Sunday morning we went to church and enjoyed donuts there, then after church, we had lunch at one of my most favorite places.

I have never had anything from here that I didn't like.  Yesterday I got the Philly Cheese Steak sandwich.  Drew enjoyed going and getting the Suburban and driving up to us.

I don't know that I will ever get used to seeing this.  He got a lot of drive time in yesterday, and he was really excited about it, except for when both Graham and I were both counseling him on his skills.  (He scared Graham once.)

After lunch at Huey's, we went to the botanical gardens here in Memphis.  Todd's cousin had some photographs in a restaurant there, and we wanted to go see her work.  The photos were beautiful!  I picked out my favorite one.  :)

We came home for just a little while, I took a nap, then we were off again.  We went to the same home we had been at the day before, but this time for community group.  I had Jonah, Noah and Alex with me, and they enjoyed the very bouncy diving board.

See what I mean, about our weekend being so great?  It was.  I am thankful.  Especially because summer is flying by and I am just trying to enjoy every single moment, and all the extras I have at our house.  All too soon all their friends will be back in school (and we will too) and the weather will start to change.  And though I love the cooler weather, I do love to swim, and miss it when the season is over.

How was your weekend?

I hope it was great.  Love to all!

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