Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Life Lately

It's been a busy past few days around here!  We are witnessing our beloved summer wrap up right before our eyes, and I am trying to make the most of it over the next few days.  I don't know if we will start school on Monday, but we will at least start by Wednesday of next week.  Usually I take a few days and clean really well before we gear up for another year.  But.  More about that later.

On Wednesday, Jonah, Noah, Alex and I loaded into my car and left for Murfreesboro, Tennessee to see our friends and old neighbors the Dickson's.  The boys were so excited to see each other!

The ones I traveled with made for great travel buddies, including helping me with navigation when I needed the extra eyes.  We just hung around their house that day and night, but the next day we woke up and made a picnic lunch and went to their local community center.

The picture above is a little house they were exploring after our picnic lunch.  We stayed there most of the day, then that night I made dinner for us.

On Friday we woke up and visited and got all our things packed and had lunch together before we got back on the road to come home.

I have so missed this sweet friend.  We stayed up way too late Thursday night and were still talking and talking when Friday morning rolled around.  I might have gotten a little misty eyed again when we said goodbye, and when the boys all hugged each other.  It was a wonderful visit.

I got home Friday afternoon, and I got to go have dinner at Chili's with my best friend.  It was a fun hour and a half that we got caught up with one another, then we went our separate ways.  When I got home, I had another friend come over and we chatted and cried together until after midnight.  I know...that's a strange combination, but we are working through some things.  In that whole working through things process, I came across this verse from Nahum on Saturday morning.

We are fine, by the way, we were just talking and working through hurt feelings.  God is so gracious to see us through all of life's trials.  I love how He gives us little glimpses of His promises right when we need them.  He is infinitely good, my friends.  I love Him more and more each day.

I was so excited to get to church on Sunday morning!  I so love these precious girls.  I am so thankful for the two years we have had with them, and for the impact they've had on my life.  I am continually humbled and challenged by them, and by their texts we receive at all hours of the night.  God made me fall in love with teenage girls two years ago, and these are the ones He started me with.  I will forever be changed and I will be grateful to Him always for enlightening me to girls ministry in my church.

I pray that He always uses me in any capacity that He sees fit, and I pray that I am always open to His leading and willing to be used wherever He places me.  He has been showing me some things lately, and I pray that I always see and hear whatever He is trying to teach me.  

After church, we had lunch with some sweet friends, then I tried to come home and take a nap.  Instead, I laid on my bed and texted almost the whole hour or so I was upstairs.  :/  This little gal kept me company.

Skippy is on a new special food, special meaning "medicated".  She has major anxiety, but since starting her new food, she's like a whole new and relaxed kitty.  It cracks me up, that we have a medicated cat.  

Community group was fun as usual Sunday night.  I will be sad to see our swimming parties become a thing of the past as summer ends for us.  I love swimming!  

We had our community group girls over to my house last night, for movie night.  

Why yes, I love these movies!  We had so much fun and I laughed and laughed and laughed as these girls said every word they said and sang every lyric to all the songs.  On the first movie, we watched the sing a long version.  Halfway through, my dear friend joined us.

These were our excited faces over the fact that we survived!  I say that, but seriously, I love these girls so much.  I would do anything for any of the teenage girls I have the privilege of working with.  Missy is someone who is the exact same as me, that I have become dear friends with in the last year.  She is a fellow homeschool mom who has walked before me (her boys are grown now), she is my co-conspirator in Sunday night community group, and she is one of my very best friends.  We have been particularly close since she saw me through one of the hardest day's of my life in December.  We get into all sorts of funny situations and trouble together.  (Not really.)  I thank God for her friendship!  And just for fun, here's a picture of us and our friend Lori from youth camp.

One of the girls at camp had us hold her phone and selfie stick for a bit, and three hundred and something pictures *MIGHT* have gotten taken with it.  And the fact that we're all old and don't know how to properly use a selfie stick makes this picture HILARIOUS to us all.  

Sigh.  I want to go back.  

Maybe next year.  


It's been a great few days around here.  

Well, thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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