Tuesday, May 10, 2016

encouragement...and a challenge?

I have to make this short, because I have to be somewhere at nine, but I wanted to share with you a way that I have started praying everyday.  I was inspired by my friend Abbey to start praying this way, and it seems like now that I've started doing this, God keeps on presenting me with little opportunities to share with people.

I started praying that God would use me wherever I go, and that He would give me boldness in sharing my faith with others, and in His gospel.  And it seems like God keeps putting people in my life to do this.

One was last week, at a doctor's appointment, of all things.  The x-ray technician was the sweetest lady ever, and I'd specifically asked Him to give me someone like that on this morning, because I was nervous.  I met the lady and took a liking to her right away, and I ended up sharing with her that I am a believer of the Lord Jesus and that He carries me through all circumstances.  We had a sweet time of sharing with each other, as she did all the things she had to have me do for that appointment, and it was never once awkward or strange.  She even hugged me at the end of it.

Another opportunity He gave me was last week at our church's gym.  I had planned on walking on the treadmill, but they were all being used, so I just walked around the gym.  Another lady came in and was doing exercise in the gym while I walked around, and before long, a friend joined her.  Noah was with me on this day and shot basketball hoops while I walked.  Eventually a treadmill freed up and I spent the last thirty minutes walking on that.  When I was done, I went to grab Noah for us to leave, and this lady and I started talking.  Turns out she was on a mission to exercise everyday as well, and also she did this to strengthen herself for her to be able to raise her grandkids, along with her husband.

She met her friend most days, but that friend was moving at the end of the month, and they'd been praying that she would find a friend to be accountable to.  And then we met.  We ended up exchanging phone numbers, and promised to make time to meet.  She texted me yesterday afternoon and asked me to be there at nine to join her, and of COURSE I am meeting her there.

But how cool that they'd been praying for her to meet someone, and then we met?  And really, it was all through Noah.  He played basketball with her the whole time I walked and taught her how to shoot from in front of the goal.  This just goes to show that God is in all the little tiny details, and He hears every single prayer we utter.  And when we pray for His will to be done, He always answers us.

His will is for us to share with one another and to take on each other's burdens.  I am so thankful for all this on this bright and beautiful Tuesday morning, and I love meeting new friends.

I want to encourage you to try to pray this way and see what God does.  It's been pretty amazing to see how He works in all circumstances.  And please know that I don't intend this post to be braggy~because there is nothing good in me, but the Holy Spirit abides in me, and HE IS GOOD.  I always also pray that God would increase and that I would decrease.  All glory and honor belong only to HIM.

And because I need pictures on my blog, look what my husband found yesterday!

Someone near his warehouse was throwing these away and he had the boys bring them all home for us to plant.  Aren't they beautiful?  They look amazing now that they've had some rainwater soak into them overnight.  I do love planted flowers.

I'm off!  I'm meet Shandra at nine and I have a couple things to do before I leave.  (If you would like to pray for me, I could use them....one, that God would continually give me the desire to walk at least three miles five days a week, and two, that I'd be able to continue to eat healthy.)  (Not counting the Mexican I had last night with my friend Andrea, but today is a new day.)

Love to all.

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