Wednesday, May 11, 2016

a Wednesday version of random things

Accountability keeps me going in my life, and I am so happy that yesterday completed my seventh week day in a row (I skipped Saturday and Sunday) of walking three miles a day.

I'm very thankful that God placed on my heart the desire to start down this the past, I selfishly wanted to exercise and get healthy, but for the wrong motives.  I changed my prayers and started asking Him to be honored in my body and my mind as the temple of His Holy Spirit and before long, I started wanting to do this.  If you get tired of things like the above image, I'm sorry.  But the accountability helps me and since I'm often alone in walking, I feel the need to share with someone.

In honor of it being almost sweet summertime, I am wanting to shed the heavy books I've been reading and exchange them for more lighthearted ones.  I picked this one up on Monday and started it again.  Yes, again~these are one of my favorite series of books and I occasionally love to revisit them.  I never grow tired of these.

The ones I own are all the old covers, but they've since been updated.  Yes, I feel old when I write that.  I have said forever that I'm like an old woman in a younger woman's body.

I have read and reread my favorite books ever since I was a teenager in school.  I have always been a bookworm and I preferred reading to physical sport or even being with people (some of the time).  It was kinda like what Netflix is today to teenagers.

This is one series of lighthearted books that I love to read in the summer, but here are some more of what's in my cart on Amazon.

This first one is by one of my favorite bloggers and writers ever, Sophie Hudson.  I've read her blog, Boo Mama, for years and years, and I've read the other books she has written as well.  They always make me laugh out loud.

Another favorite blogger of mine is Melanie Shankle, also known as Big Mama.  I've also read her other books that she has written, with the exception of this one.  I just added it to my Amazon cart this morning.  Note that Giddy Up, Eunice is only for sale as a pre-order on Amazon right now.  I think it debuts in early June.  Melanie is currently working on a book to be released in the fall of 2017.

I am looking forward to the long, lazy days of summer.  I cannot wait to start swimming with my mom-in-love and my friends, and I cannot wait for all of our fun summer activities.  I also look forward to seeing my sister who is coming home this month and our old neighbors and dear friends, the Dickson's.

Lots to look forward to and to be excited for!  I love this time of year.  I just don't want to talk about next year and how Graham will be a senior.  Speaking of him, also coming up this weekend is PROM!  I am so thankful he is getting to go with a dear friend of his and can't wait to see him all decked out in his tux.

Pictures will be aplenty, I promise.

Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.

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