Monday, May 9, 2016

weekend recap, Mom's Day edition

I got a text from my husband Friday afternoon at three thirty, informing me that he was starving, and I remembered that I had nothing planned for dinner that night.  (Oops....but, not really.)  Graham and Drew made plans with some of their guy friends to go see the new Marvel movie, Civil War, and that left the five of us.  (Todd, Jonah, Noah, Alex and me.)  I suggested that we go to Costco, because I knew we needed to get a few items, and we could just get dinner there.


In a whole week of eating as cleanly as possible (fruits, veggies, nuts, chicken, fish, KIND bars and water), let me tell you that the six hundred and something calorie piece of pepperoni pizza that I had that night tasted absolutely DIVINE.  I didn't even feel guilty.

When we got home, we found boys in our driveway playing basketball, and soon, it looked like this.

Graham and Drew and their friends had gone to Taco Bell for dinner, and came here to hang out until their movie started at nine forty-five.  Our driveway always used to look like this, and then, the neighborhood kids started growing up or moving away, and now mine are all growing up, and's just been a long time since I've had a yard full of boys playing around.  I loved seeing this and I didn't feel bad taking this picture on the sly.  There was one boy who nobody knew, but when I went out to talk to them, I invited him to join them, and he did.

I started my new book that I'd gotten in the mail that day and read until I went to bed, then I watched a couple shows on Netflix and fell asleep.

Callie woke me up crying at six Saturday morning, and having tossed and turned the night before and being awake from three to five a.m., I was guzzling coffee and fighting to stay away.  I skipped my quiet time because my eyelids didn't want to stay open.

When I was more awake, I picked up my book and started reading again.

The book is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.  I've never read anything by her before, and the only reason I read this one was because it's coming out in the movie theater next month.  I love to read the book before seeing the movie, if that's ever an option, and the movie looks great, so I bought it on Amazon.  I won't spoil this for you, because I know some of you want to read this, but I discovered a couple of things about myself.

One, is that this book is not by a Christian author.  I broke my own rule and read it anyway.  And even though it was clean, the language was not, and I don't like reading books with those words.  It's what I get for breaking my own rule.  I knew better.  I know some of you don't go by this rule, so this won't be an issue for you.  In my personal life, though, I've seen that what I put into my mind is what comes out.  I tell my kids that all the time and therefore, I try to live by that standard.

Two is that the ending sucked.  And I HATE BOOKS that end in a way that and spend all that time getting into it and then.....well, you get my drift.

That's all I'm going to say about that.

I put the book down and got dressed, because I had a date with my mom and sister.  I had an errand I needed to run, and it's always more fun when you're with the ones you love.

I promise you that my hair is not hot pink, as it looks in this picture.  Mom is on the left, Trish is on the right.  We had lunch at Firebirds and then ran to a couple of places.

I bought some new lipstick, and that is always fun.  I love Clinique's lipstick and glosses.

That afternoon Todd went into work and the boys and I went to my mom's for dinner.  After dinner, it felt heavenly outside and my step dad Bill and the boys and I sat outside on their backporch.  We left there at eight, and Jonah's and Noah's friend came over to spend the night, then Graham and Drew went to another movie.  (It's their money.)  This time, they went to the late showing of The Jungle Book.

I fell asleep before they got home.  Toddley didn't come home until four thirty a.m. and because of that, stayed home to sleep instead of attending church.  Afterward we all met at McAllister's to celebrate my mom and my mom-in-love.

It was a wonderful day.  I asked for a couple of things for Mother's day, and my sweet family delivered.  One is the new FitBit Alta.  If I'm going to keep on walking everyday, I need this.  I have an amount of steps to reach every day and it keeps track of that, the miles I walk and my sleep.  I love it, and it's purple, which has been my favorite color for a long time.

The other thing I asked for was a picnic at the park with my family and some friends.  Graham grilled chicken for us and I roasted some potatoes and cut up some fruit and we took it all with us.  My friends all grabbed their own dinners and we stayed and talked while the boys all played football, until a little after eight.  It was glorious and so much fun.

This was most of us.  Toddley took the picture and Missy brought her sweet lab, Doppler.

I felt honored and treasured and highly favored all day long, all thanks to my sweet hubby and kids.  I thank God for all of them, and for the pleasure I have of being their wife and mom.  To God be the glory and praise.  I think of the verse that says that all things are to Him, through Him and from Him, and I know He has given us all one blessing after another.

I hope your weekend was wonderful.  I'm off to start laundry!  Love to all.

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