Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  It's my favorite weekday again, and I am so looking forward to this weekend.  I am even making plans, which is kinda unlike me.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this post.


I wish I could remember the name of this pink polish that I borrowed from my sweet Mom last weekend, but I cannot.  It's from their Hello Kitty line, and it's a really fun pink/coral color.  It lasted through Tuesday, when I redid them again.


My favorite dessert of the week.  I can be so good all the day long with eating healthy, if I know that I get a little treat around seven thirty at night.  I've eaten one of these with a glass of milk every night this week.


One of my favorite things that we attend each week is our church.  This above picture was taken Sunday when our pastor was finishing up his sermon.  I love church notes, and believe it or not, I do actually look back on them sometimes.


My favorite activity every day this week has been walking.  I walked in our neighborhood twice this week before I realized that the impact of the asphalt is killing the foot that had a stress fracture.  I got the bright idea to go to my church's gym and give the treadmill a try and I've done that twice now.  And guess what?  No pain whatsoever!  Actually, it was my husband who told me it was the impact...I thought it had more to do with the incline of the streets, but what he said makes more sense.  I'm just thankful to finally be able to walk without pain.

And this has been a trend this week.

Funny story: As I walk on the treadmill, I read a book off of my tablet.  And I text.  Yesterday I was texting my friend Abbey the entire time I walked.  She was impressed that I was able to text and walk, but I did okay.  Until as I was walking very briskly, the treadmill suddenly stopped.  I have no idea why it stopped, but I almost face planted.  Seriously, it scared me half to death.  I don't know what happened, but it would not work again, and I had to move to a different one.

I'm scared to try that same one again!  It was pretty funny, and then I got tickled at myself.


Spending time with these senior girls at their banquet Tuesday night was a highlight of my week.  I cannot believe my first group of girls are graduating!  I've had teary moments, but mostly, I'm just excited for them and extremely proud of them all.  They're not all pictured here, but this is the core group.

And this one!  Always one of my favorites.  I enjoyed spending time with her that night and when she brought me home, we sat in her car and talked for a long time.


And last, but not least, is this page.  Sounds strange?  This is a page out of my prayer notebook, and last night while I was updating it, I felt led to ask on social media how I could pray for my friends.  I got tons of responses and added them all onto this page and spent time in prayer over all of them this morning.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...